Monday, March 23, 2020

Tomorrow’s New Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron

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Tomorrow's New Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron

March 24

New Moon at 4° of Aries  

The New Moon in Aries arrives on Tuesday, March 24th at 2:28 AM. Happening on the heels of the Equinox, the New Moon carries with it spring's medicine. Even when things get bleak, even when winter stays well past its welcome and life's challenges surpass its ease, renewal remains the next natural order of things. 

In the Northern Hemisphere, the sun's entrance into Aries signals to us that our days will be increasing in length a little more each day. The earth is coming back to life and its creatures are eager to get it on. Without hesitation. Without fear. With no doubt about their motivation. 

No bird in spring stifles its mating call. 

As the sign associated with this shift, Aries offers itself to the collective without shame. This fire sign ushers in a call to life. It rallies the spirit. It is the original spark of intuition, initiation, and inspiration. If any sign knows how to embody an almost delusional amount of confidence, it's this one. 

But this is no ordinary reboot. Square the nodes, this New Moon bears weight and what we do with it will impact us for months, if not years to come. While nature is thriving, unphased by our issues, we find ourselves in a moment where our personal and collective health hangs in the balance. We are coming to know more intimately what truly holds value for us and what has simply been a distraction. 

Life cares so little for our plans in the face of its own. 

Conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer, the teacher, the one who knows illness, this New Moon comes bearing more than springtime's usual message. Chiron is a minor planet named after a Centaur from the Greco-Roman pantheon. In his myth, Chiron ends up hurt from being in a battle that wasn't his to fight. Chiron's knowledge of healing is formidable, but even he can't find a remedy to heal himself. 

Chiron's myth speaks to the psychological wounds that we all have and have to learn how to hold if we want to live a meaningful life. Our pain doesn't necessarily ever go away. Suffering isn't distributed fairly among us but it is a part of life we must all learn to work with. A part of life that we have to decide what to make of, what it will make of us, and if we will make a point of knowing joy in the face of it. 

The New Moon in Aries asks us to rally the courage to meet this moment with as much honesty as we can. Being the sign of the Self, Aries asks how its individuality can be of service to the whole. Being the warrior, Aries is the first on the field to further the cause. Being the brave spirit, Aries addresses healing with a forthrightness few others have. The clear urgency of this moment is omnipresent. Once it passes, and it will pass, we will be charged with the question: how did it change you? 

May we each be able to answer, "for the better."

New Moon Blessings, 


To work more deeply with the New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the Vernal Equinox, New Moon in Aries, Full Moon in Libra, and Astrology of Mar 19 - April 21 + Bonus Ritual for Saturn Entering Aquarius. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

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