Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Danny has finally made it to the ripe old age of 34! Happy Birthday, baby. Danny loved all of his presents and was psyched for cake cones!

We had a nice dinner with Pete & Meg, but then had to break up with them after they killed us in one is more compatible than we are!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Projects Update

The garage is coming along nicely. The outside is pretty much done, except for the deck. The inside is on it's way! Danny is getting excited to move in.

Viola! After many hours assembling Chinese imported furniture... here it is! The nursery is totally done. Thanks to grandma and grandpa Dunlap for the sweet glider. Woo Hoo! Bring on the baby!

And the final update is Danny's literacy project. He's been working so hard. I didn't have the heart to tell him it was upside down.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Yellow Nursey

The Nursery is nearing completion, we are just waiting for a couple more things to arrive...the glider and the blinds. Danny is also gonna hang up some shelves, but we are getting pretty close. All we really need now is a baby!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

LA Baby Shower

We had so much fun at our LA baby shower that my friend Meg threw for us that we kinda slacked on taking pictures. But here are a few.

Thank you so much to Pete and Meg (but mostly Meg) for throwing us such an amazing shower! Everyone raved about the awesome food Meg made, but the biggest hit was Meg's homemade grapefruit sorbet from her very own trees...delish.

Our lovely hostess, Megalicous.

Livonia Place represents! It was great to see the old crew.

My boyfriend, Fenster, however was not impressed by the festivities.