Monday, March 31, 2008

The Phoenix contingency

Drew and Karolyn stopped by our house with the kids on Friday after coming back from their cruise. It sounds like they had a lot of fun and it was great to see them. The weather was great and we bbqed...sorry all you suckers still in the snow.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Sorry to rub it in...

But the weather here this weekend was amazing! It felt like we skipped spring and went straight into summer. It was mid 80's all weekend and we got to enjoy some time in the yard. On Friday night we had an impromptu BBQ with the neighbors and chilled on the deck all night. Saturday Danny was working so I got to slack off and read a book in the new hammock. Saturday night we went to dinner in Pasadena with friends and on Sunday we went to an Easter picnic and played giant scrabble. All things we probably won't be able to do for a while after we bust this bambino out so we better enjoy while we can!

Cat pic of the day! Clementine napping on my prego body pillow.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Now entering the Third Trimester!

I just got back from my 7 month check up and Dr. Chan said everything is looking good. My glucose test was normal, no traces of anemia and the syphilis test came back negative (phew, I was worried about that one).
I know y'all don't find the cats are endlessly entertaining as I do, but until we have this baby and stop caring about the cats all together, you are just gonna have to deal with more cat pictures. And for a laugh you can check out one of my fave websites...

R u there ceiling cat? It's me Clementine?

Cat pillow

Monday, March 17, 2008

The cats are really adjusting quite well

Kinda. We have been moving all the rooms around to prepare for the bambino...round bed into our room, our bed into storage until we move Danny's office to the garage. So they've been pretty freaked since under our bed was their little cat clubhouse. Clem can squeeze under the round bed but Lilly is too fat. Not to mention that poor Clementine is being terrorized by the Roomba (robot vacuum that rules!), I swear it targets her and will follow her to whatever hiding place she can find. So she has reverted to her feral kitty ways and is back to hiding inside the couch like when we first got her. It's always one step forward and two steps back with that one...

Anyway, we got the nursery painted this weekend and it turned out great. Danny is going to do the moulding and floor boards next weekend and then we'll have the furniture delivered. Three months and counting till stork drop! And yes, internet, I've heard your complaints about the black on black pregnancy photos so here is a yellow on yellow. Which proves how much I love you to post this since I'm not looking super hot, but whatever, I'm seven months pregnant, give me a freaking break, already!

Clem hiding in the couch.

Lilly hiding behind Danny's desk.

Danny after primering the formerly orange guest room.

I'll post pics of the finished nursery when we get there.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


In response to overwhelming demand, here are some prego pics. Yours truly at 6 1/2 months. Happy now? As a bonus pic here's Danny and Lilly from this morning. I swear Lilly is putting on sympathy weight.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What up blogosphere?

Since the unfortunate demise of DavenportCentral I suppose the time has come to dip my toes into the raging waters of the internet. So welcome to my blog...Pigskins & Kitty Cats. Why this title you may ask? Cuz I love me some football (GO STEELERS!) and I heart kitty cats - Lilly & Clementine - Shout Out! So there, I did it, my first post. I guess that wasn't so bad.
