Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What up blogosphere?

Since the unfortunate demise of DavenportCentral I suppose the time has come to dip my toes into the raging waters of the internet. So welcome to my blog...Pigskins & Kitty Cats. Why this title you may ask? Cuz I love me some football (GO STEELERS!) and I heart kitty cats - Lilly & Clementine - Shout Out! So there, I did it, my first post. I guess that wasn't so bad.



DaNae said...

YAY!! I am glad that you started a blog finally! I want to see some prego pics, i know it totally sux to take them, but we want to see what you look like. Nice blog name and RIP D-central.

Derek and Edon said...

Sell-Out, I was hoping that D-Central would make a comeback, with all of the rapid new posts. Funny thing is that we update our blogs not any better than we did D-Central.

Dianna said...

nice prego pix, you're a sneaky one. Dark background black clothes you can't even tell you have a bun in the oven. Do another one. PLEASE!

Danielle said...

Ok, Di...i will, as soon as you start your blog!