Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My Sonny One

Our sweet Sonny is one!

Our first year with him has just been awesome. He was always the happiest, smiliest guy. He still is, but he is also what he call the BBD, Big Baby Diva. He will throw down a baby Dori sized tantrum.

This was post cake, it was all fun until he rubbed frosting in his eyes.

And he started taking steps! He's working on his pimp walk, the Sonny Shuffle, which I'm sure will be perfected to extra dangerous toddler levels by the family reunion.

We have all been enjoying the summertime. Especially riding our bikes to the beach. We'll see how long we can keep these two squished into the bike trailer.

Sonny loves his big sister,

Is crazy about dad,

But he is mama's boy.

The whole fam at the 4th of July parade.

We love you Sonny!

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Big 3

This little princess is now officially three years old. Her new favorite kids channel has commercials and we get to witness the power of advertising first hand. So because of a commercial she wanted to go to Sea World (and she wants a sleep number bed).

So we decided to do a little family vacay to San Diego and we had a blast at the hotel blow drying our hair;

Enjoying the sunshine;

And of course Sea World!

This guy loved it all.

It was also Father's Day so we got to celebrate what an awesome Dad Danny is.

And how lucky we are to have two such cute babies.

The actual birthday started out like this:

YouTube Video

I got a sitter for Sonny so we could have a special girls day. So we hit up the Build a Bear. She picked out a sparkly shirt and named her Roses.

It's bittersweet watching her grow up. She is so smart and in a hurry to grow up. But it also makes me look forward to doing so much fun stuff with her as she gets older.

After a dinner of pancakes and eggs (birthday girl's choice) we opened presents and had cake.

Happy Birthday, Rosabelle! We love you!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

First Haircut, y'all!

Since Rosabelle is starting preschool on June 1, we figured it was time she got her first haircut. She was such a big girl sitting up in the chair and talking to the stylist. Here are some before and after and during nap time outfit change (in lieu of actually napping). Girlfriend loves her some accessories.

Location:First haircut, y'all

Monday, April 25, 2011


At long last. Here's a couple of pics from Easter and as promised some pics of the playroom and Ro's room.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sunshine and Shattered Dreams

The Pennsylvania Dunlaps came to visit and we had a terrific visit! They weather was gorgeous, the children were darling, everything was perfect...

Except the Steelers lost. :(

Whatevs, we still rocked our black and gold. And the periogies were delicious.

We all loved having Mamaw and Pap here. Thanks for visiting! Come back soon!

And thanks for the Valentines!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sonny - 7 months down the line

Today Sonny turned 7 months old. If I only remember one thing about him as a baby when I reach my senility (probably sooner than later) it will be that he was the happiest baby. I also think that he is aptly named cause this boy is just pure sunshine. We wakes up with such a big smile that it makes my day, even if it is 5 am and he doesn't stop except when Rosabelle pokes him in the eye.

Captain Adorable

In the last few weeks he has gotten serious about his mobility. It may not look that pretty but he can get to where he wants to go, usually to try and put a cord in his mouth.

YouTube Video

Sonny loves his sister and going everywhere with her. Rosabelle loves him too but is less enthusiastic about his new hair pulling trick. She even invited him to her tea party today.

This bebe is mucho grande. He is already wearing 12 month clothes. He loves his dad and going to the park:

But is favorite thing is cheering for the Black & Gold with his mom.

We love you Sonny! Go Steelers!