Friday, June 24, 2011

The Big 3

This little princess is now officially three years old. Her new favorite kids channel has commercials and we get to witness the power of advertising first hand. So because of a commercial she wanted to go to Sea World (and she wants a sleep number bed).

So we decided to do a little family vacay to San Diego and we had a blast at the hotel blow drying our hair;

Enjoying the sunshine;

And of course Sea World!

This guy loved it all.

It was also Father's Day so we got to celebrate what an awesome Dad Danny is.

And how lucky we are to have two such cute babies.

The actual birthday started out like this:

YouTube Video

I got a sitter for Sonny so we could have a special girls day. So we hit up the Build a Bear. She picked out a sparkly shirt and named her Roses.

It's bittersweet watching her grow up. She is so smart and in a hurry to grow up. But it also makes me look forward to doing so much fun stuff with her as she gets older.

After a dinner of pancakes and eggs (birthday girl's choice) we opened presents and had cake.

Happy Birthday, Rosabelle! We love you!


DaNae said...

3 year olds are the jam! Hilarious horse video! Love ya ro

Brent said...

She is getting so big. Way to rock Sea World! See you in a couple of weeks!! PS. this is Dori

Deborah said...

Love that birthday girl. Fun to get new pics. The little ones are growing up so fast. Awesome #3 rocks the day.

Dianna said...

She is a princess in that blue dress. So pretty! I can't believe her first haircut was at 3 and she starts pre-school in the summer. Can't wait to see her again!