Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My Sonny One

Our sweet Sonny is one!

Our first year with him has just been awesome. He was always the happiest, smiliest guy. He still is, but he is also what he call the BBD, Big Baby Diva. He will throw down a baby Dori sized tantrum.

This was post cake, it was all fun until he rubbed frosting in his eyes.

And he started taking steps! He's working on his pimp walk, the Sonny Shuffle, which I'm sure will be perfected to extra dangerous toddler levels by the family reunion.

We have all been enjoying the summertime. Especially riding our bikes to the beach. We'll see how long we can keep these two squished into the bike trailer.

Sonny loves his big sister,

Is crazy about dad,

But he is mama's boy.

The whole fam at the 4th of July parade.

We love you Sonny!