Sunday, February 23, 2020

Horoscopes for the New Moon in Pisces

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Horoscopes for the New Moon in Pisces

February 23
7:32 AM PT - New Moon at 4° of Pisces  
Venus in Aries square Jupiter in Capricorn, both at 18° 

This New Moon is made for healing. Pisces floods the system with the desire to connect. Its cure for the immeasurable loneliness of human life is to be available to the whole experience of it. Open, porous, and willing to swim to the depths or frolic on the surface like an otter with its mates, Pisces goes everywhere and can be nowhere to be found. An escape artist like no other, Pisces needs to always be close to the door. It slips out of reality and into the realm of imagination in an instant. The most creative mind is one that has little regard for what's "real" and is much more impressed with meandering around the mysteries of life.  

Sensitive to how another may be suffering, Pisces is always extending itself in friendship to the world around it. But this isn't a completely selfless act. Pisces needs to be needed, while simultaneously being overwhelmed by restrictions. Finding the relationships that allow it to be connected and free, available but unable to stay swimming in one spot for too long, Pisces needs to ride the currents, waves, ebbs, and flows. 

This New Moon in Pisces sits with Mercury retrograde, reminding us that nothing is exactly as it seems and much will be worked out in the process of living. To get too worried about any one problem is to forget to have faith, something Pisces has no shortage of. Belief in how life unfolds is paramount to surfing, something this lunar cycle will teach us boatloads about. We can stress, and we will. We can fret, and we are bound to. We can worry till the cows come home, and we are more than likely to make that mistake now more than ever, but over the course of the next two weeks we'll be reminded of how foolish it is. That isn't to say Mercury retrograde - especially in Pisces, the sign of its fall and detriment - isn't deluged with dissolving contracts and unnecessary distractions, deserving of our extra care and effort, it's just to say that stress will make it all the more challenging to work through. 

Sextile Uranus in Taurus and Mars in Capricorn, this New Moon encourages our breakthroughs, and energizes our actions. With so many planets in Capricorn, there is much to get done and energy to do it, we just need to bow to the slip n' slide of the rest of the sky and proceed with diligent caution. 

February 24
Sun in Pisces sextile Mars in Capricorn, both at 5° 

The next couple of days want us to take inspired action. On the heels of a New Moon this feels like especially good timing. We are encouraged to fight for what we believe in and find as many ways as possible to motivate others to follow suit. 

February 25
Mercury makes its inferior conjunction to the Sun, at 6° of Pisces
Mercury in Pisces sextile Mars in Capricorn, both at 6°

As Mercury enters the heart of the Sun, it gets a special dose of solar serum. Strengthening an otherwise very weak planet at the moment, today can bring a flurry of insights, ideas, and unexpected conversations that we have the courage and conviction to tell others about. 

February 28
Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn, both at 24°
Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus, both at 3°

Emotional archeology is the theme of the day. Old relics of relationships gone by might haunt you momentarily, but like all spirits, they only come back around for good reason. If power struggles arise, be cautious about embroiling yourself in them, but make sure you look at anything they dig up. With Mercury making a helpful sextile to Uranus today, breakthroughs come with greater ease. No unexpected information that arrives should be overlooked. 

March 3
Venus in Aries square Saturn in Capricorn, both at 28°

A joyless transit, Venus in its place of exile is already struggling; add a square from Saturn and we can feel like a dark cloud follows us around. It's temporary, but a buzz-kill is never welcome. Here, work might be monstrous and good times a little too few. Relationships go through a reorganization, demanding that you draw the line where you were too afraid to before. 

March 4
Mercury Rx enters Aquarius, here until March 16
Mercury in Aquarius sextile Venus in Aries, both at 29°
Venus enters Taurus, here until April 3

As Mercury retrogrades from Pisces back into Aquarius, and Venus moves from Aries into Taurus, the two meet up for some sweet exchanges. Today's astrology brings with it good news and much more pleasure than yesterday's.
As Venus shifts into Taurus, ease, fortunate connections, and abundant blessings befall the parts of our charts that contain this sign. Here, Venus brings a force-field of generativity that can become home to the orchards we most wish to cultivate, share, and be fed from. Venus in Taurus's great joys are any and all sensual pleasures, but especially those that can help our gardens grow.

March 8
Sun in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces, both at 18°
Venus conjunct Uranus, both at 4° of Taurus

Today's astrology is wildly romantic, terribly out of touch with reality, and altogether a trippy, fantasy-fueled, eccentric day. Perfect for creative breakthroughs, chance meetings, and unexpected pleasures. Things may feel too good to be true, so don't expect much of a follow up, but do enjoy yourself because days like these are fleeting and can lead to some fairly fabulous adventures.

Your New Moon horoscopes are written affirmation-style and are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please feel free to read both horoscopes. You'll know which resonates more for you. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!

Aries & Aries Rising Horoscope

Life cares about me so much that it refuses to let me run mine on my own. Life loves me so much that it chuckles at my big plans and tightly woven timelines. Life loves me so much it has bigger ideas for me than I could ever imagine for myself. I am here to listen to the wisdom by which my life is being guided. I am trusting the process of my life's unfolding. I am submitting to the reality that the less I try to control my life, the more I feel I have to give to it. 

The New Moon in Pisces is my invitation to connect to the feelings that I usually run past. Being as fast as I am at most things in life is an asset, but it can be an impediment when it comes to going deep. Forward motion is necessary, but needs to be balanced with the ability to reflect. 

As I work through challenges that come up in my committed partnerships and financial life, I remember that no problem is without a solution and most times all I need is a little patience to work through an issue. Learning to sit still is a skill that I can work on in-between the big leaps I'm bound to take next. 

To work more deeply with the New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Pisces, the Full Moon in Virgo, and the Astrology from Feb 23 - March 18. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Taurus & Taurus Rising Horoscope

I let my friends love me. I give myself permission to care about my people more than I fear being abandoned by them. I allow others to help me because I know that I am not an island. I am brave enough to count on those that I need, even if they don't show up in the ways I think they should. I don't let my tendency to control life be so strong that it shuts others out. 

I refuse to let the harshness of the world permeate me. I know that it takes more strength to remain kind than it does to fold up in fear. I know that in order to let myself live, I've got to be willing to risk being hurt, risk being wrong, and risk being humbled by letting my own shortcomings come to light. Spaces that don't ever test, push, or provoke me might be comfortable, but they won't help me grow.

I cultivate our collective need for places where tenderness can rest easy, joy can live freely, and personal growth is the price of admission. My health is interconnected with yours. The better you do, the better I feel about being in the world. The more permission you are granted for being honest about what you are feeling, the more at ease I feel being honest myself.

To work more deeply with the New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Pisces, the Full Moon in Virgo, and the Astrology from Feb 23 - March 18. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Gemini & Gemini Rising Horoscope

I don't have to be clear on the details of how it will all get done. I just need to be clear about the feelings I need to follow. I know what it's like to be lit up about a possibility. I know what a drain of energy it is to agree to something I don't want to do, don't have to do, but feel like I should do. I know better than to think that pleasing others will get me anywhere that feels like success.

With this New Moon I take a moment to imagine possibilities I want to make into my reality this year. I remember that resetting my relationship with my career is essential for my overall growth in it. I know that the industry I am in changes as often as I do and in order to be consciously creating my role within it, I need to dedicate time to realign. I know that there are aspects of my industry that could do with more compassion, kindness, and consideration. I don't ever waver on the facts or the need to be rigorous, but I do imbue my efforts with the sentiment central to why I do the work I do.

I care.

This is also a moment to tend to my projects which are percolating behind the scenes. I don't focus all my awareness on public recognition. There is a wealth of resources available to me that I need and want to protect. Magic happens on the periphery. Just out of sight. Just out of reach of the harm that could be done to these projects. I make sure to tend to them well so that the magic can occur. 

To work more deeply with the New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Pisces, the Full Moon in Virgo, and the Astrology from Feb 23 - March 18. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Cancer & Cancer Rising Horoscope

I remind myself that it's always possible to make a course correction. There's no reason to keep going down a road that isn't right for me. There is nothing necessary about suffering just to complete a journey that I said I would finish. There is no better time than the present to remember that I can change my mind.

I am not too proud to be wrong. I'm not too stubborn to see when and where my ignorance will get the best of me. I am not so special that I get to skip steps in my own evolutionary process.

Tough conversations will test me, but it won't kill me to have them. Challenging relationship dynamics at work will push me to the edges of my comfort zones, but I can withstand discord when it's for the greater good. Professional growth demands that I become able to bear witness to, and work through, new levels of interpersonal issues, creative differences, and hard-to-see solutions. But if I want glory, I've got to get on the field, finding all ways possible to be in the game, with as much care for its rules as I do for its players.

To work more deeply with the New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Pisces, the Full Moon in Virgo, and the Astrology from Feb 23 - March 18. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Leo & Leo Rising Horoscope

Too often my ego tricks me into thinking that if I let my pain breathe it will suck all the air out of the room. Fear tells me that I need to stuff uncomfortable sensations down rather than give them the chance to teach me what they know. My pride will tell me that I'm stronger than what hurts, smarter than the thorns in my side, too good to be fooled by a feeling. But when I am at my best, I know that the weight of any ungrieved sorrow can and will take me under.

With this New Moon, I've made it a priority to give my emotional journey the support it needs. I remember that cultivating compassion for the parts of me that struggle needs to be a daily effort. Kindness, towards myself and others, needs to be a practice that I patiently partake in. Doing so sets the stage for collaborative success. With a plethora of beneficial professional encounters at the beginning of and all through March, I am moving into this next cycle with my sights set on creating orchards out of the seeds I've been given and long-lasting and mutually beneficial relationships with those that know the magic mixture of hard work that brings endless joy.

To work more deeply with the New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Pisces, the Full Moon in Virgo, and the Astrology from Feb 23 - March 18. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Virgo & Virgo Rising Horoscope

I embrace the mess my heart makes. It chooses to love. It chooses to feel. It chooses to wander far beyond the bounds of what seems like a logical choice to make. It risks being wrong in order to learn how to feel. My heart, unprovoked by me, risks being broken in order to be stretched. Risks being rejected in order to know the rush of being honest. Risks being wrong just to see what might be right. 

To know beauty means that I must learn to embrace what is chaotic as well as what is impeccably placed. I know that the humans I love are perfect and profane. Broken and learning to love. Full of potential and finding their way.

I am learning how to have empathy for my own journey and everyone else's. I am learning how to be less afraid of failing and more invested in being human. I'm learning to stay on my own side, unwavering in my commitment to myself, while being available to all the wild and wonderful triumphs and failures of being in partnerships with other unpredictable, beautiful humans that I can't bear to live without.

To work more deeply with the New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Pisces, the Full Moon in Virgo, and the Astrology from Feb 23 - March 18. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Libra & Libra Rising Horoscope

Until I become conscious of a feeling, it has no choice but to store itself somewhere in my system. Unacknowledged pain flips the switches of my alarms unnecessarily. Ignored emotions send signals out into the world that distort my best intentions. Disowned feelings steal the room that I have reserved for joy, devouring the connective tissue between me and myself.

This New Moon reminds me to pay attention to what my body needs. It reminds me that the information it sends is always sincere. Its pain is never performance. Its aches aren't ever attention-seeking, but seeking to receive some of my sympathy. 

My body's way of communicating to me is age old and full of information. When I show compassion for all it's survived, all it's witnessed, all it's held, and all it's had to pretend through, I heal. A little at a time. I piece myself back together. I disrupt the idea that I don't deserve to be treated with tenderness. I break with traditions that don't leave room for being gentle. I give myself space to be more than what I was taught to hide about who I am and what I need.

To work more deeply with the New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Pisces, the Full Moon in Virgo, and the Astrology from Feb 23 - March 18. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising Horoscope

My inner artist deserves to be treated with kindness, compassion, and care. For all of the times I was shut down, dismissed, or disregarded, it's my turn to encourage, develop, and praise my talents for what they are capable of. For all of the ways my self-expression was misunderstood, used against me, or feared, it's my turn to reclaim, honor, and put it to use in the world. If I didn't get the chance I deserved earlier in my life, I must find every way possible to give that to myself now.

It's not about how I rank compared to others, it's about how honest I can be when I'm in front of the mirror, on stage in front of a million people, or alone and in front of a canvas, ready to map my heart out on the page. 

With this New Moon, I remember to infuse my creations with the care I wish others to feel when they receive them. I reset my commitment to living with more joy, less fear, and copious amounts of faith in the process. With this New Moon, I remember to stay curious about how to create honestly with others. With this New Moon, I remember that I can't worry about what others think of me, but finding those souls that I trust to be truthful with me is a blessing I refuse to take for granted.

To work more deeply with the New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Pisces, the Full Moon in Virgo, and the Astrology from Feb 23 - March 18. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising Horoscope

I make a home out of kindness. I make care the main ingredient in every meal I serve. I make it a priority to let no one whom I consider family ever wonder if I love them. The more I shower my inner world and everyone in it with the care I have always craved, the more I understand how to live a life of abundance.
I know what it feels like to be hurt by those who were supposed to help me, have my back, and hold me close. To the best of my ability, I never want anyone else to feel like that because of my own thoughtlessness, carelessness, or unconsciousness. I know that if everyone in the world felt as cherished as they deserve to be, we'd know a lot more about freedom than we do condemnation.

I am busy recreating my corner of the world in this image.

Whoever comes through my door will know what it means to be respected. This includes me. I decorate my walls with images that reflect my power, strength, and softness. I fill my fridge with nourishment in every nook. I line my shelves with books that tell the stories buried in my bones.

To work more deeply with the New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Pisces, the Full Moon in Virgo, and the Astrology from Feb 23 - March 18. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Some moments are made up of such tenderness that they allow me to unfold in the places I have had to be bound. Some conversations are filled with such sweetness that they smooth out sentiments that have stayed wrinkled up inside me. Some friends feel like siblings long-lost that know how to care for me in ways that love me back to myself with such little effort and so much skill. 

I remember not to take any of it for granted. 

With this New Moon, I attune myself to the kindness that is already present in my days. However much or little there is, placing my attention there is a guaranteed way to make more of it. When I find an interaction is lacking understanding, I'll give more of it. When I feel like I've lived a day that was devoid of kindness, I will extend some immediately. When I notice that it's been hours since I told myself, "I love you. You're doing great. Keep going," I will stop and make a point of saying it as many times as I need to and until I have heard myself clearly.

To work more deeply with the New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Pisces, the Full Moon in Virgo, and the Astrology from Feb 23 - March 18. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising Horoscope

I spend my resources on my healing. I spend my coins on the things that put me in close proximity to the people I love. I spend whatever excess I have on moments that facilitate more connection. The marker of my wealth is how well-loved my life is. Generosity benefits me. Showing kindness towards others strengthens my system. Care is the currency I deal in, and while not everyone deserves my emotional labor, everyone will get treated with dignity and respect. No matter what I was taught, no matter what I survived, I will be richer in spirit than the malice I have been shown. I will be more magnanimous in my actions than any act of bitterness made against me. I will outsmart the ignorance of self-indulgence, self-sabotage, and self-denial by focusing on what a blessing it is to want more than just a selfish existence. 

I know that in order to build a life of abundance, it's got to be from the ground up. I fill my home with flowers that bloom without shame, I fill my pots with spices that waft sweetness through my halls, and I invite in the spirits that have my back.

To work more deeply with the New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Pisces, the Full Moon in Virgo, and the Astrology from Feb 23 - March 18. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Pisces & Pisces Rising Horoscope

Whether they make sense or not, it's my work to understand my emotional responses to life's ups and downs. Whether it fits into my schedule or not, it's my job to sift through the emotional sediment that muddies my system. Whether I like it or not, if I want to heal, the tending of my wounds must be done by me. My wounds will be understood for the gifts they are only when I work through what feels like their curses.

While the world can't get enough of my kindness, I remember to give it to myself first. I adopt my own inner stray. I am a shelter for my own lost soul. I am the nurse to my own fractures, breaks, and bruises.

I won't go through another year without learning how to be the best caretaker of my life that I can. This New Moon marks many new starts made with great consideration for my well-being. Just because I can stretch myself thin doesn't mean that I need to be gauze. Just because I can feel an emotion within a hundred-mile radius doesn't mean I need to carry it with me, figure it out, or heal the person it belongs to. This year I work on consolidating the energy that I can, so that when I need to I can reach for the wildest of my dreams.

To work more deeply with the New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Pisces, the Full Moon in Virgo, and the Astrology from Feb 23 - March 18. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Copyright © 2020 Chani Nicholas, All rights reserved.

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