Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Horoscopes for Tomorrow's New Moon in Virgo

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Horoscopes for the New Moon in Virgo

For far too long our world has been transfixed by pretty things that go pop, flashy things that bedazzle, and winning things that spur the appetite for more. Destruction is shamelessly promoted, applauded, and misconstrued as a strength. To think ahead to the impact of our choices is to lose power in this pyramid scheme. Trained from an early age to sell our world out from under us, we swap our children's futures for figures that don't add up. Good sense is scoffed at when it interferes with the infrastructure of greed; capitalism exchanges nature's intelligent system of checks and balances for the distortions of amassment. 

 This world is out of order. 

The New Moon in Virgo arrives on September 17th, at 4am PT. Virgo takes what's in disarray and creates thoughtful rituals wherein balance can be restored. It teaches the technology embedded in nature; everything we need we have already been given. Virgo honors the medicine of diversity, knows that with enough of it, all solutions will be present. This sign teaches us that with the right tools, we can work towards a humble solution. Ready to sacrifice fame for the fortune of thoughtfully applied craft, Virgo offers the habits that foster healing.  

This New Moon is well-situated in and of itself. Occurring within some incredibly challenging astrological events, it doesn't add fuel to that fire, but instead offers us a much needed reminder to stay connected to the smallest of solutions, the quietest of calls to align, and the kinds of editing processes that make clarity possible. 

This New Moon is our invitation to perform the rituals that will help us reset, prioritizing the intelligence already intrinsic in all sentient beings. Trine Saturn, this lunation speaks to beginning that which has a solid infrastructure. Stripping away all the bells and whistles the world tells us we need, the reorganization of our priorities is urgent. Put what is sacred to you front and center. 

From September 20th - 24th, Mercury makes for PR fails, callus conversations, and less than easy exchanges. That's because it spends close to a week squaring Pluto (September 20th) and Saturn (September 23rd as it enters its pre-retrograde shadow phase), and opposing Mars retrograde (September 24th). As the messenger of our solar system, this means that Mercury offers us power struggles, hard decisions, and fighting words to work with. Not with everyone, not with every interaction, but there will be some exchange somewhere in this medley that will ask you to tango, and when it does you'll know it. With sharp turns and complex moves, Mercury is also the trickster, baiting us all the way. It's good to assume we'll mess up before we get going so that we might spar with a little more humor and a little less self-importance. 

The Equinox occurs on September 22nd. As the Sun now sits in direct opposition to Mars retrograde, a light shines on all that is overheated, agitated, and in need of hydration. Retrograde and opposite the Sun, Mars now rises as the Sun sets, dominating our dream space and unearthing the more unconscious challenges we face. Especially poignant for those Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn placements in our chart, this tension in the sky reminds us to take the red flags in our lives seriously and asks us what exactly we are trying to win at?

September 28th - 29th boast some magnificent challenges and the end of an affair. Sort of. As Saturn stations direct (September 28th), it makes its second and last square to Mars (September 29th; the two will square again, but not until 2021 and from different signs). Mars has been in a square to Saturn from the end of August until now. Locked in this struggle with them, there have most likely been stalled projects, insurmountable piles of work on our desk, or obstacles to overcome that we hadn't accounted for or had hoped we wouldn't have to. As these two complete their battle of wills we will, in some ways, also feel we've overcome at least one hurdle, or the most extreme part of it. 

Your New Moon horoscopes are written affirmation style. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You'll know which resonates more for you. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work in any way, it must be quoted. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you. 

Aries & Aries Rising

Instead of being goaded into battle, I choose what to apply my energy towards. I might have ample reason to teach someone a lesson, make my point, or school them for being foolish, but I know not to waste my energy on what won't return it. There are enough losses in life, I don't need to give fuel to being gaslit. 

With this New Moon, I recommit to the rituals that keep my work ontrack and my system running smoothly. With an inconceivable amount already achieved, only I know the effort that went into the professional pinnacles I've reached and only I know which were worth it and why. I don't need to look outward for affirmation of success; all the proof I need is present when I check in with how I feel about what I've contributed professionally. If there is energy there, if there is a healing release there, if there is meaning to be gleaned from the trials and the tribulations I have come up against while getting here, then I am grateful and content. Feeling at ease may not be something I'm used to, so I search my days for moments of it. I focus on, and celebrate, all the little accomplishments, remembering to enjoy any well-earned breaks that come my way.

If you would like a more detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mars Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of Sept. 17th - Oct. 15th + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Part 2

Taurus & Taurus Rising

The challenge is not getting where I'm going but about how I'm getting there. I know that if my rituals, daily routines, and interactions don't create a sense of fulfillment or gratification, no final destination will either. I need moments of stillness on my path to take in just how precious it is, even when incredibly precarious. 

No matter what issues come up, I use them to become a better listener. Attuning myself to how something makes me feel helps me understand what to respond to and what to keep to myself. Not every slight needs to be addressed openly; there is a time and place to lay down a boundary but I don't delay when the alarm goes off. 

With this New Moon, I honor all the structures that have become homes for my creative energy and respites for my joy. I recommit to making space for the small, easy and replenishing pleasures. Fussy pastimes get no play right now. I need resets that are within reach and make me feel like I am winning instead of falling short with some unattainable self-care regime from an out of touch magazine. I'm far past the point of living up to unrealistic expectations; no alchemy takes place when I'm focused on what the outside world tells me I need. Kindness is my shortcut to contentment and creative insights. If sweetness has been missing recently, I add it into the mix now and see what opens up. 

If you would like a more detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mars Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of Sept. 17th - Oct. 15th + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Part 2


Gemini & Gemini Rising

With this New Moon, I remember there's a difference between rushing to win and focusing on the real goal. When interactions push my buttons, remind me of the parts of my past that are painful, or bring up dynamics that generally lead to despair, I will digress. Instead, I'll address my own needs, focus on rebuilding the spaces that bring me into balance, and give myself a break. There's always going to be another battle to wage and I know that if I don't save my best moves for the most satisfying ones, I'll pay for it. My energy is too dear to be thwarted by fighting about something that won't mean a thing to me a month from now. 

With this New Moon, I remember to make myself at home in my own life. I reconnect with those I feel are family, I make an effort to get comfortable, and I use any extra time available to organize, cleanse, and clear my space of artifacts that don't uplift my spirits. Shifting my abode helps me shift my mood and I'm here for the fine tuning of my temple. 

If you would like a more detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mars Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of Sept. 17th - Oct. 15th + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Part 2

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Trapped heat will always warp the surface. Tears of all kinds occur when the system has been overwhelmed. Eruptions take place when both a cleansing and a reminder of what not to let fester needs to happen. 

They aren't bad, but they do take time to clean up.

In order to find balance, I've got to be willing to refuse having secrets with myself. Letting the truth of my past come to pass is far less of an ordeal when I'm not trying to be perfect, pristine, or separate from any aspect of my origins. If I'm ashamed, afraid, or unappreciative of what I've lived through, I need to remind myself that I'm not my worst decision or my best day. Like everyone else, I am a mix of everything under the sun. There's meaning in every mishap I've been a part of.  

With this New Moon, I am reminded that my daily life and rituals are my anchor. No matter what I did yesterday, today is new. If I want to make it work tomorrow, I've got to imagine myself connecting to it right now. If I orient myself to it, I'm more likely to locate it, but I'm also more likely to enjoy the process. Little by little is how the bulk of my success takes place.

If you would like a more detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mars Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of Sept. 17th - Oct. 15th + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Part 2

Leo & Leo Rising

I remember to pause when perplexed, rest when weary, and wander when stuck. A cat nap is powerful enough to give me all the clarity I need. 

I know that procrastination is all part of my process and there's no use condemning myself for it. Some obstacles need to be observed from all sides, some need to be temporarily put on hold, and some need to be used as a meditation cushion.  

When tense conversations arise, I know it's important to parse out what exactly makes me want to defend myself. Without judging my reactions as good or bad, I study them in order to gain greater self-awareness and a deeper understanding of what makes me tick and what makes me want to explode. Whatever leads me away from harm and into healing is my preferred method of transportation. Whatever steers me toward a sense of generosity, with myself and others, gets my attention. 

With this New Moon, I recommit to honing my skills, cultivating my talents, and cleaning out my tool sheds. I take a minute to consider what supports me and how I might better support it in return. I'm intentional about how I work, specific about the projects I pour myself into, and work to streamline as much as possible. Simplicity supports greater opportunity.  

If you would like a more detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mars Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of Sept. 17th - Oct. 15th + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Part 2

Virgo & Virgo Rising

I don't debate my worth. I don't argue with those that wish to steal my energy, time, and talent. I don't stick around when it's clear there is no reciprocity. There's too much tenderness to be enjoyed elsewhere, too much beauty awaiting my adoration, and too much joy to be discovered in the details of my days.

With this New Moon, I remember that I have the right to remove myself from any situation where my gifts are used but not valued. I would rather go deep when going wide dilutes my message. I'm here to build with those that believe in long-term, sustainable, generative connections and not just mutual ego boosts. 

When I look back on the past couple of years, I can see all the ways in which I have worked to build the kind of containers my creative energy was craving. I know that structure isn't everything, but without it my efforts flail more than they fall in the right place. With this New Moon, I recommit to the frameworks that feel like home. I give precedence to the infrastructures that have me feeling held, relaxed, and open to what's next for me.  

If you would like a more detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mars Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of Sept. 17th - Oct. 15th + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Part 2

Libra & Libra Rising

Rage is an intoxicant that I respect; its power is undeniable, its impacts are long-lasting, it's needed and necessary but only one part of my process. Underneath the wrath is a wound, a fracture, a story that needs to be heard. I listen to the details of my own tales. I listen to let it be known that what I survived matters, and how I survived it holds the keys to how I can heal it. 

No part of my journey is wasted if I scour it for its meaning. 

With this New Moon, I recommit to understanding the parts of my path that are loaded with nuance. I refuse to boil myself down to a trope, to good, to bad, to one dimension. I make a point of parsing out my feelings, especially the more intense ones. As I get clear about what I feel and what I want to say about it, I get to reclaim a little bit of my agency. I rescue myself from martyrdom each time I refuse to settle for being safe but resentful. I'd rather make a mistake while trying to reclaim my power than leave it to whither without me.  

If you would like a more detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mars Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of Sept. 17th - Oct. 15th + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Part 2

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Some moments are made for unveilings. Some things are better left unsaid, but thoroughly unpacked in private. When my unconscious bias is exposed, when my fears rear their head, or when my less than lovely feelings swell to the surface, I don't try to wipe myself so clean of it all that my nuance is blotted out. I know that I am a mess and that, given the chance, I clean up well. I know that there is no way to be perfect so I give up on the outdated notion. I know that my humanity is found in the spaces between getting it right and failing full stop. 

With this New Moon, I surround myself with the people that know this sweet spot. 

I commit to the communities that keep me leaning into learning. I surround myself with those that surprise me with their insights; there's nothing like an unexpected dose of humanity. Nothing like exchanges that help me keep hope alive by not only deconstructing the world as it is, but also reimagining it as we wish it to be. I invest my time and energy into those that invest theirs in us. 

If you would like a more detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mars Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of Sept. 17th - Oct. 15th + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Part 2

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

I know that being a leader is not about the press I get; it's about being a teacher to those that didn't get the memo, the doula to other people's potential, and the initiator of many challenging conversations. 

I can't be afraid to go there. 

To lead is to follow my intuition like it's my liferaft and to be anchored by logic. In order to be the facilitator of greatness, I have to channel it in myself and get everyone else to a place where they can do the same. This work isn't over when I leave my desk; it's in every decision I make, every feeling I validate, and every structure I put into place that helps me stay true to myself. It is the honor of a lifetime and it all begins with being able to lead myself to the people and scenarios that help me heal. 

I'm always first on my list. 

With this New Moon, I reset my professional expectations, rework my agendas, and clarify the reason why I am doing what I am doing. I owe it to my projects and my own effort to make sure it's being channeled towards a clear goal. Those that have the tools necessary to help me build towards this future are more than welcomed, they are cherished members of the team.  

If you would like a more detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mars Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of Sept. 17th - Oct. 15th + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Part 2

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

When I have no space to learn in public, I wither. I need to know that it's ok to get it wrong, as long as I am willing to make it right. A million others can withhold the opportunity from me, but at the end of the day, only I can forfeit my own second chance. 

With this New Moon, I commit to learning with the long-game in mind. 

It's easy to slickly self-select on social media, but after a day of getting into the nitty gritty with other humans, it's impossible to get all the sand out of my hair by only washing once. I need rituals that help me sort the residue from the real gold. I can interrupt my own bs with far less resistance if I refuse to feign purity or exclusivity. 

Perfect is a problem. 

In my professional life I make an effort to refrain from needless power struggles. I've got enough to get done, get ahead on, and get in on time. With this New Moon, I lessen my load by steering clear of drama while zeroing in on what will help get me to where I'm trying to go. 

If you would like a more detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mars Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of Sept. 17th - Oct. 15th + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Part 2

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

I let myself dream about the long-term when things feel uncertain. What happens next is not up to me, but imagining best case scenarios is my duty. Especially when in the face of adversity, I call upon the audacity to believe in my visions. 

As my day-to-day life gets a review, as my communications scratch the surfaces of what I need to go deeper with, I commit to the work that helps me heal. If I love it, I dedicate myself to learning it thoroughly. If I need it, I make more room for it. If I wonder for too long why something isn't coming to me, I realign myself with it, reorganize in preparation for it, or take an action that invites it in. 

With this New Moon, I recommit to the structures, rituals, and practices that keep me gathered and oriented towards recalibration. I don't ever need to feel guilty or unworthy of a little refresh; in fact so much of my growth depends on my ability to make a practice of it. 

If you would like a more detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mars Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of Sept. 17th - Oct. 15th + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Part 2

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Some people cross my path just to help me understand something that's been buried deep and out of reach to me. Whether or not our bond is long-lasting, the healing that happens is the point. 

Whatever conversations, whatever information, whatever declarations get made that feel difficult, I will remember that they are here to help me retrieve some aspect of my energy. When anger, fear, or resentment erupt, I know that there is a good reason. Instead of judging myself, I respond to my feelings by offering understanding. 

With this New Moon, I remember to recommit to the relationships that honor my boundaries, know the benefits of a good structure, and know how to stay connected without taxing the resources we share. 2020 is not the year to overextend just to play nice. I don't have it in me to be overwhelmed by another's misplaced needs. If I'm not careful with my energy now, I'll have to be overly covetous of it later. Whomever knows how to love me steadily is welcome in my stream.   

If you would like a more detailed reading for your sign for this New Moon and Mars Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo, Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of Sept. 17th - Oct. 15th + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Part 2

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