Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Horoscopes for Today's Full Moon in Pisces

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Horoscopes for the Full Moon in Pisces

It's been 6 months. Half a year since we learned how to wash our hands like professionals. Since we began moving about the world less and with greater care.

Half a year of being more locally situated, of taking a deeper look at ourselves, our lives, and how we live them. We have rearranged cupboards, closets, careers, friendships, and strategies. We have reassessed what makes our lives meaningful and what we are willing to risk in order to include, create, and manifest. 2020 has brought us down to the bones, the infrastructure, and the architecture of our lives and asked us all to realign when and where needed. Our world demands it.

On March 11th, COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, two days after the Full Moon in Virgo occurred. Back then we thought hand sanitizer might save us and that life as we knew it might be momentarily disrupted. Six months later, with the Full Moon in Pisces arriving on September 1st at 10:22 PM PT, we know more and less. Still no straightforward answers or outcomes to focus on, but other things have become clear. 

This Full Moon in Pisces is a potent dreamer. Supported by the many innovative and grounding astrological setups that Virgo Season is amplifying, this lunation is positioned to help us imagine the solutions to our many complicated situations. Conjunct Neptune, the Full Moon comes in like a flood. Overwhelm is common under these conditions but so too is the inspiration that finds us when we remember we are part of a vast network of changemakers.

This lunation reminds us that when the levees break it's time to rethink how we've constructed our lives.  

Pisces knows the power of restful roaming, even amidst all the unrest. The imagination must have places where it can be free to visualize new worlds to grow into. Systems of suppression want us to forgo rest, reject reflection, and refuse our systems' need for balance. Rest restores our ability to think, feel, and know ourselves. Rest brings answers. Capitalism fetishizes the kind of numbness that is required to labor for the very thing that keeps us from accessing our power.

Full Moons give us insight into what our personal and collective movements have added up to over time. Uprisings don't occur in an instance. They are waves in an ocean of them. Endlessly wearing down the infrastructure that breeds systemic violence.

If Pisces can teach us anything, it's the need to stay fluid to best serve the situation. Dream in motion. Imagining a world that doesn't function on supremacy is the greatest departure from this reality we can make and the only one that will help us survive this crisis of consciousness we are in. Dictators and their supporters believe that they can do anything. Be in office indefinitely. Be as corrupt as possible. Be above reproach. If they don't have a problem buying into their own fantasies, as radical as they are, why shouldn't we buy into ours?

Intimacy Issues

A few hours after the Full Moon peaks, Venus in Cancer will make an opposition to Saturn in Capricorn (September 1st), then square Mars in Aries (September 4th), before it enters Leo (September 6th). These last few moves in Cancer are tough on the tender parts of us.

An opposition from Venus to Saturn puts pleasure lowest on the list and puts the boundaries between us as a high priority. It isn't fun work, but it's necessary. Like a bat with sonar hearing, listen for the limits before you transgress them, ask before you expect, and love with consent at the core of all you do.

A square from Venus to Mars, as Mars is about to station retrograde, feels unfair, but relationship dynamics don't play that way. Sometimes you have to take the highroad and sometimes you need to take your rings off and wrestle in the mud. The choice is yours, but it will have to be made. This kind of astrology blows the lid off of pretenses and niceties which is hard on the heart sometimes but very good for clarity.

As Venus enters Leo, the crown we place upon our love gets polished and the flowers on the altars of our hearts' greatest desires get refreshed. This transit is a different tone than the rest of the skies, asking us to go the extra distance for the connections we crave. It's a bit of sparkle in otherwise work-oriented skies. 

Instant gratification

Mercury is on the move. Between September 3rd and 4th, Mercury makes a helpful trine to Saturn in Capricorn, and a sextile to Venus in Cancer. This is a great time to get your calendars out and schedule yourself as thoroughly as possible, making sure to include downtime and room for delights. Mercury then enters Libra on September 5th, a sign it will eventually retrograde back to. We aren't in pre-retrograde shadowlands until September 24th, but as soon as Mercury enters Libra it is approaching an opposition to Mars in Aries. Communications get tense mid-month. 

Red Flags

As detailed here, Mars will be retrograde from September 9th - November 13th, 2020 and is set to make its mark. As the red planet changes directions, we get to focus our fury on the things that matter and hopefully give up our addiction to road-raging about what doesn't. Trust, you do not want to enter this part of the year already so aggravated and burnt out that you can't bear any more. It is more than understandable if you are, but in whatever way you can, be deliberate when spending your time and energy. This transit requires intense focus and when we bring it, will reward us with the kinds of trophies we'd only hoped were possible. In fact, if we do this right, we'll come to understand what exactly constitutes a win, and what is simply another fight forged in the war of the ego. 

Small Wins

As Jupiter stations direct in Capricorn on September 12th, we can expect to make some not insignificant, but not over the top, wins. The jovial one is still in a sign that limits its ability to be celebratory (lol 2020), but the gains made are nonetheless solid. The part of your chart that contains Capricorn will get a little lift, which is nothing to disrespect in these heavy times.

Because Full Moons comment on what we started 6 months prior to them, consider what you have come to accomplish, understand, or resolve over the past six months as you read your Full Moon horoscope. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you. 

Aries & Aries Rising

Rest. Without question. Without worrying if you deserve to. Without wondering if you can afford to. September's Full Moon shines its light on the areas of your life that no one accesses but you. There is no way to truly know yourself if you don't succumb to the body's wisdom and the spirit's need for recalibration. Softening is a strength. If there is something to forgive yourself for, don't let it linger. Don't let yourself wait for your own apology. You deserve to be first on your list.  

With Mars stationing retrograde in Aries, you'll have plenty to learn about being gentle in challenging times. While September asks you to exert energy in some fairly formidable ways, when done with respect for yourself, you'll get an extreme amount accomplished. This may be the year you look back on and marvel at what you did, against so many odds. You'll have more than your share of boundaries to implement, personally and professionally along the way, but doing so will leave you with an appreciation of just how strong your spirit is when you follow its direction, and how much less energy you waste when you show up for yourself.

NOW HALF OFF: For a detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Full Moon as well as a reading for Mars stationing retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, Full Moon in Pisces, and Astrology of Aug 18-Sept 16 + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Pt 1

Taurus & Taurus Rising 

September's Full Moon sheds light on the quality of your connections within your friendships, networks, and communities. Reciprocity requires that there is mutual benefit; no matter how comfortable you are giving to others, this Full Moon helps you to harness the power of receiving. Understanding where in your life the flow of fair exchange keeps you cleansed can help you get in the right streams as often as possible. 

With so much to unpack, process, work on, and straighten out behind the scenes, a little love fest with your besties is the least you can offer yourself. 2020 has brought us all to extremes we never dreamed, but for you, this part of the year asks that you get clear on a couple of the scary stories you have on repeat. Your fears are in need of being confronted, not out of a callousness for your tenderness, but because you are ready to do this kind of work.

The tighter corners that you have to traverse right now require that you reserve your energy for the journey, and it's clear that there are certain phantoms from your past that are far too bulky to bring along for the ride. Ghostbusting the psyche is life-long work of course, but what you are able to scare away now protects you from any future hauntings. Adorn yourself in protective amulets, both physical and energetic.

NOW HALF OFF: For a detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Full Moon as well as a reading for Mars stationing retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, Full Moon in Pisces, and Astrology of Aug 18-Sept 16 + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Pt 1

Gemini & Gemini Rising 

Our industries are made up, figments of capitalism and its accomplices. Each one of us is so much more than the professional compartment we fold ourselves into. We are the care, tenderness, and compassion that we infuse into every setting we work in and every project we take on.

September's Full Moon shines its light upon the professional efforts you've made over the last 6 months. Whatever this wild time has helped you to clarify, detoxify, and come to terms with, has hopefully left you with a little more room to sprawl out in. This Full Moon brings a success or two, a celebration, and a reason to feel like your efforts are adding up. Just remember to let yourself expand outside them. Beyond the appraisal of your colleagues, customers, and partners, is the reason why you chose to serve them in the first place. 

As Mars stations retrograde it digs into the community conversations, interactions, and issues that are red hot. From September through November, what you do within the collective you are a part of makes a mark. When conflicts arise, be as thoughtful and strategic as you can in addressing them. Strategy is harm reduction in certain instances, and your supply of it is greatly needed. There are plenty of people that choose to blow off steam in the most unhelpful of ways, but in order to understand how to serve those you love, you must redirect your own anger towards action items. Scream into the pillow, vent when in trusted company, whatever works, but adding fuel to the fire of the collective won't cure much right now. Save your system and seek the solutions that burn through the BS, but won't keep you overheated.

NOW HALF OFF: For a detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Full Moon as well as a reading for Mars stationing retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, Full Moon in Pisces, and Astrology of Aug 18-Sept 16 + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Pt 1

Cancer & Cancer Rising

September's Full Moon pulls focus on the beliefs you hold dear and all the self-improvements you've made over the last 6 months. Long-term dreams get a little love and a lift. What you publish sets sail in some fortunate winds so make use of the favorable conditions while you have them. 

This Full Moon shifts your perspective from the micro to the macro. Take a moment to honor the breadth of your efforts. Take the view in; doing so will remind you that tending to the minutia is always worth it in the end. To focus, you need a big picture to keep in mind. But in order to love all of life, you need to honor its details and find purpose in them.  

As Mars stations retrograde you are reminded that doing work that suits your temperament brings out the best in you. It's a privilege to get to do so, but if you can make that kind of shift, be swift about it. There are too many temptations to overheat at the moment; staying cool in professional situations is where your focus needs to fall. As Mars pierces the veil of any innocence you've clung to, it makes clear your side of the street to keep clean, as well as the side you should leave well enough alone. The task that this Mars retrograde comes with is extraordinary, but it will help you move mountains if you work with it. The next few months will require every effort, amount of discipline, and determination you can muster, but bring it and you'll be amazed at what gets done.

NOW HALF OFF: For a detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Full Moon as well as a reading for Mars stationing retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, Full Moon in Pisces, and Astrology of Aug 18-Sept 16 + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Pt 1

Leo & Leo Rising

When grief comes, don't refuse it. When tears come, know they want to help you cleanse. Feel what you can and know that it is a gift to be that sensitive, and necessary to sometimes have a buffer between you and the pain of the world. It's not either or, as two fishes swimming in opposite directions teach us, it's both and.  

Whether or not this Full Moon has you feeling grateful for the collaborations in your life, or it has you in your feelings about what has been lost in the process of partnership ups and downs, know that you don't need to justify an emotional state. Just being in touch with what the emotion is that you are feeling, is a gift. The energetic release happens when you let the feelings flood your system and recede on their own time. Emotions have an intelligence all their own, different from logic, but wise nonetheless. Being in touch with our grief allows us not to be controlled by the fear of it. Know it and you'll also know your agency in deeper ways. 

Take note of how far your group projects have come, what visions they have helped you realize, and what gratitude you want to express and to whom. Now is the time to acknowledge the give and take, the tides and their rhythms. Which interpersonal patterns are you more familiar with now and what trust has been built in your partnerships as a result?

As Mars stations retrograde, you get to review the ins and outs of your long-term work projects. This part of 2020 requires that you have a deep dedication to serving the bigger picture of what you are putting together while being deep in the data and details of the everyday aspects of it. You want big things, and right now you are learning how little the actions need to be in order to make these big things happen. Patience and persistence get you there, in the end.

NOW HALF OFF: For a detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Full Moon as well as a reading for Mars stationing retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, Full Moon in Pisces, and Astrology of Aug 18-Sept 16 + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Pt 1

Virgo & Virgo Rising

September's Full Moon puts the growth of your partnerships front and center. If they are loved by you, it's going to be thorough. If you let them in, it's sure to be mind blowing. Right now you get to see who can hold both the big pictures and the nuance, the data and the faith. Equal portions of both require your relationships to stretch in some interesting ways but when your partners are up for the task, it brings out your best. 

Seeking the depths of an experience is part of what keeps things interesting and, as Mars stations retrograde, you get to splunk into caves others would fear to tread. But you know the value of a good excavation. What gets mined over the course of the next few months will help you understand another aspect of your intimacy issues. Grief gets caught in the strangest of crevices, dislodging itself at the grocery store, during a commercial, or in the shower when you least expect it. But it's these bubbles of feeling that rise to the surface that want to help free you up. Because your creative projects require so much from you at the moment - so much precision, attention to detail, and the ability to think critically - your partnerships help you access a release the rest of your life is too tightly wound to offer you. Like a doula of sorts, those that really know you and love you without pause help you with this rebirth.

NOW HALF OFF: For a detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Full Moon as well as a reading for Mars stationing retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, Full Moon in Pisces, and Astrology of Aug 18-Sept 16 + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Pt 1

Libra & Libra Rising

The body needs to space out as much as the mind does. September's Full Moon reminds you to take your physical being into account. Even as your work projects peak, know that your muscles, organs, bones, and breath deserve as much thoughtfulness as all the things on your desk at the moment. 

The projects that are having a particularly good time teach you something invaluable about trust. While considerable effort always has to go into getting something off the ground, there has to be equal amounts of faith in the process. Consider what the last 6 months have taught you about going with the flow, no matter how funky it's been at times. 

As Mars stations retrograde, it helps you to define certain boundaries that you have to, at this stage of your life, take seriously. There will be some partners that are being tested by their own circumstance, and some partners that test your ability to say no. Try not to fear it, but do make note of the issues it helps you to uproot. If family configurations of the past refused to acknowledge your no's, make sure you take this moment to do the opposite.

NOW HALF OFF: For a detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Full Moon as well as a reading for Mars stationing retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, Full Moon in Pisces, and Astrology of Aug 18-Sept 16 + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Pt 1

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

The only way to counter the nonsense of this world, if that is even possible, is to try to  outmatch it with pleasure. September's Full Moon finds you deepening your relationship to release. Whether that means putting the finishing touches on a creative project or finding yourself dolled up, decked out, and having a good time, it matters not. This Full Moon wants to celebrate your creative growth. What you allow to be channeled through you is a triumph; getting past the guards of the inner critic takes skilled wizardry and your craft is getting polished. Editing is a must, but for this moment just let the first draft flow. 

There's plenty of detail you are tending to elsewhere. 

In fact, your work life is full to the brim with important timelines to consider. Mapping out your days can help you in major ways. It's not that you need to be hypervigilant about your time; it's just that whatever energy you can guard will be needed for the most important last minute adjustments you have no idea about right now. Bank whatever hours you can - you'll spend them in the most invaluable of ways. Be economical with your words, activities, and anything that keeps you busy but not fulfilled. This moment asks for your focus. Your body and your coworkers will thank you for it.

NOW HALF OFF: For a detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Full Moon as well as a reading for Mars stationing retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, Full Moon in Pisces, and Astrology of Aug 18-Sept 16 + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Pt 1

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Every now and then we need to revisit a truth. The kind that tends to spring up out of nowhere. The kind we have to circle around for what seems like a lifetime. The kind that is a lifeline when we finally allow it to wash over us. 

September's Full Moon cleanses. 

If you choose to allow it, something from your past floats to the surface so that you can understand it in a new light. This lunation makes clear the growth you've been able to do over the past 6 months; the healing, the progress, and the private reckonings that have helped you make a little more space for inner peace. You no longer need to repeat the past but, in order to break the cycle, you can't deny, evade, or pretend it didn't happen. Be open to new ways of understanding old cycles. 

As Mars stations retrograde fun doesn't necessarily run rampant, so you have to protect the pockets of pleasure you have at all costs. Your livelihood takes precedence and work seems to propagate without your permission, but that is no reason not to fill your senses with what brings you joy. You aren't a conveyor belt, even if your desk is piled high. The more you can organize your finances, restrict unnecessary drains to your resources, and protect your creative energy, the further your stamina will take you

NOW HALF OFF: For a detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Full Moon as well as a reading for Mars stationing retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, Full Moon in Pisces, and Astrology of Aug 18-Sept 16 + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Pt 1

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

September's Full Moon illuminates what works in your daily life and rituals. Important deadlines are met by surfing the chaos of daily life, but meaning is made by learning not to take it all so personally. The Full Moon highlights the important calls, messages, and meetings that fill your calendar now. Whatever you have been dedicated to working on over the past 6 months is beginning to take shape. While you are examining the details of your larger life plans, make sure not to sacrifice being present for the small moments. Success is subtle, too.  
As Mars stations retrograde it helps you to understand the little things that get under your skin. The roots of the aggravation tell much deeper stories than the emotions alone. The more willingly you excavate the dynamics that come up with family, no matter how big or small the scenario, the more you can serve these relationships. We can't change those we love, but we can change how we love them so that our care for them is always centered in mutual respect. Demonstrate to your loved ones how you wish to be loved. 

NOW HALF OFF: For a detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Full Moon as well as a reading for Mars stationing retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, Full Moon in Pisces, and Astrology of Aug 18-Sept 16 + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Pt 1

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

September's Full Moon magnifies your relationship to your assets. Whatever has helped to fill up your coffers over the past 6 months has also helped to shift your perspective on the parts of your livelihood that make you feel alive. While this is a perfect moment to go through the minutiae of bank statements, checkbooks, and detail the expectations of your collaborations, try to keep perspective by also investing in the things that bring pleasure front and center. With Venus in your 7th house of relationships from September 6th - October 2nd, your relationships get a makeover. Romance runs wild and all kinds of partnerships benefit from this beauty-boost. 

As Mars stations retrograde, it pulls focus on your daily life and rituals. Schedules are tighter than you think. Behind-the-scenes projects dominate your time and will tend to feast on the extra moments you thought you had. There's nothing to do except eliminate all unnecessary invites. You might be even more of a hermit than usual, but it won't last forever. Strip your life down to the essentials when you can and you'll be able to focus on what demands the most from you but offers you the most bonuses in return. Good friends and extended family might be in need of your expertise and shoulder to cry on, writing projects might bloom unexpectedly, and important conversations help you make important decisions. You have to say no to say yes right now. There might not be as much freedom in your daily life as you'd like, but what you make of this moment opens up many pathways you have no idea about now.

NOW HALF OFF: For a detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Full Moon as well as a reading for Mars stationing retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, Full Moon in Pisces, and Astrology of Aug 18-Sept 16 + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Pt 1

Pisces & Pisces Rising

You are already connected to it. Already in relationship with it. Always worthy of it. Those big hopes and dreams that you wonder if you'll ever reach are a part of you. Nothing that you desire is far from you, in fact the mere presence of the desire dictates its proximity. The Full Moon in Pisces wants you to remember that you can be an effective changemaker from this moment, this place, this setting, alongside this group of people, and with these tools that you already possess. Nothing needs to be different in order for you to make a big shift. 

This Full Moon celebrates you, magnifying the best you bring and the areas of growth you would benefit from paying closer attention to. Take note of the changes that have occurred over the last 6 months. Remember the shape you thought your life was going to take? Superimpose that outline over the form your life has taken to see where planning pales in comparison to serving life's directives. 

As Mars stations retrograde it demands that you dig up the issues that annoy you; issues that pertain to money and how you make it, assets and how you build with them, self-worth and how much capitalism loves to try and crush, distort, and subsume it. Where in your material life do you tend to hand over your authority? The clash that this moment brings into focus has something to do with who you do business with, and what everyone's different aims are. Finding a unifying vision can be challenging, but working through the obstacles present makes your unit sturdy. If you refuse to hide from the issues that surface you'll find a treasure chest of communal wealth to draw upon. Our self-worth is always bolstered by being able to use our resources to deepen our connections, not our competitiveness.

NOW HALF OFF: For a detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Full Moon as well as a reading for Mars stationing retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Leo, Full Moon in Pisces, and Astrology of Aug 18-Sept 16 + A Journey through Mars Retrograde Pt 1

Copyright © 2020 Chani Nicholas, All rights reserved.

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