Friday, June 27, 2008

Week One in Review

It seems as though we all made it through week one fairly unscathed. Rosabelle should only have a few repressed memories to share with her therapist. This was a big week...she learned to eat, poo and love and now she is excelling at all three. I feel extremely lucky that I have been feeling so good so that I have been able to enjoy her first week.

It is amazing how much she has grown in just a few days. Her cheeks have filled out and her chins have doubled. We have also discovered the miracle of lap pads. Rosabelle has a habit of peeing as soon as we take off her diaper so the lap pads have saved us from washing the changing pad cover 5 times a day.

Grandma has been great, it'll be so sad when we have to have her arrested for the baby theft she's been threatening. Everyone will miss her, even the cats. Mom is allergic so she has been keeping her bedroom door closed so they can't get in. Well, she let down her guard late last night and Lilly slipped into her room. Around 4 am we all heard the cats making a racket and couldn't figure out what they were doing. In my sleep deprived haze I feared they were jumping into the crib. Danny came out into the hall and saw a paw coming out from under the door. Lilly had gotten locked inside and was swatting the door spring to signal her entrapment and Clementine was one the other side trying to figure out how to bust her loose. Mom had no idea till morning when we told that Lilly had gotten trapped, she had thought they were trying to break in and not out so she has hiding under her covers fearful of attack.

This was only one of the comedy of errors last night. Danny wanted to let me get to sleep after the midnight feeding so I went back to bed. I kept hearing her cry, but figured I'd let her dad handle it. So I kept drifting in and out of sleep and then our alarm went off at 1 am, Danny had set it a few nights earlier afraid that we wouldn't wake up and miss a feeding (yeah right). So he ran into the room to turn it off to and stubbed his toe on the hamper and yelled, which scared the baby and she started crying again. I gave it a few minutes and then went to see what was going on and Danny was in the nursery with the lights on and the lap top. I asked him what he was doing and he said he was just putting the pacifier back in her mouth every few minutes. I relieved him of his duties, rocked her for a few minutes and then we all went back to sleep until the above mentioned cat shenanigans.

All in all I think that this has been the most amazing week of my life. We have fallen so deeply in love with this little girl and are excited to see what happens next.


Bigwaves Blog said...

She sure is a cutie. Maybe grandma should steal her for awhile. You're doing well with the camera.

DaNae said...

What a sweet post. Tell Danny I will relieve him of the late night binky duty when we see you next weekend!

Dave said...

Cute kid. I like the new blog layout. RBJ looks ticked in one of those pics.

DaNae said...

I like RBJ!! Nice one dave.

Dianna said...

I bet you didn't think you could love a little one like you do. DaNae needs to start practicing with a newborn and a toddler to get ready for baby lincoln. Love all the pix.