Wednesday, June 25, 2008

And Baby makes 3

The first few days with Rosabelle have definitely been an adventure. At first we were nervous because she hadn't pooped yet, but she has now more than made up for that. Danny got a little more than he bargained for yesterday when changing her...he had barely gotten the diaper on her when she mustard bombed him. It was of those up the back all over the onesie kinda deals and his reaction was priceless. I told him he was lucky he got the diaper on in time.

We were getting a little cocky thinking we had started to get into a groove with the whole night time feeding cycle, so Rosabelle put the kibosh on that last night. It was the classic 3 am inconsolable baby scenario. Luckily Grandma was up for the challenge and we made it through our first rough night.
Other than that she has really been a dream. She is so sweet and already has Dad wrapped around her finger. The cats have been great. They are both very curious about this pink blob that has the people so fascinated but if she is crying they will start meowing at you like "are you gonna help her?"
We are such huge new parent dorks...all we do is stare at her and marvel that we made this perfect little thing. But she is awesome and we are so happy to welcome her into our little family.


Dorianne said...

She is adorable. She sucks in her bottom lip just like Grace does. I love seeing Rosabelle and how all of her clothes just drowned her. It is priceless!

DaNae said...

You guys did good on the photoshoot. She looks like perfect.

Amanda said...

Oh she is so adorable!! And may I say lady you look like a hot mamma!! I just want to hold her!