Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Horoscopes for Thursday's Full Moon in Scorpio

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Horoscopes for the Full Moon in Scorpio
Your Full Moon horoscopes are written affirmation-style and are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please feel free to read both horoscopes. You'll know which resonates more for you. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.

Aries & Aries Rising

Read more poetry. Send more love letters. Watch more romcoms. You need to flood your days with sweet sentiments, pleasures that promote a sense of connectedness, and all kinds of affirmations that you are loveable, desirable, and deserving of devotion. 

Because, you are. 

In quarantine, union can be hard to come by however. This may lead you to mistake a copout for a consort, a Peter Pan for a possibility, or a wolf in sheep's clothing for a friend who's warm and fuzzy. In order to keep yourself protected from unnecessary drama, it's imperative that you supplement your diet with some deliberate romance. Achieving complete self-love is too-tall of an order for most of us. Instead, focus on little actions of affirmation you can make towards yourself. The more mystique you bring into your daily life, the more you dismantle the deception that you need it solely from an external source. 

May's Full Moon celebrates your collaborative successes. Those that support your growth, fund your creative dreams, or come ready and willing to share the assets that they have and that you need. You are reminded that healing is an endless, cyclical process. Regeneration comes after confronting what you fear and allowing the process to help you lose a little shame and gain a little more confidence in the way your life is unfolding. 

NOW 50% OFF: You'll find a more detailed reading for your sign and a guided meditation for this Full Moon in Scorpio, in A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Scorpio, Astrology of April 22 - May 21 + A Journey through Venus Retrograde Pt 1


Taurus & Taurus Rising 

Life is constant change. Change beyond our control, change that happens to us, change that we cannot refuse. Living life is about becoming one with the energy of these evolutions. About seeing them as interchangeable with our growth, the results of our deepening relationship to life. Change is also what happens when we are an active participant in the shedding of the old. The dead skin of yesteryear isn't a tragedy to exfoliate, it's a pleasure. It's a refresh. It's a perspective to get familiar with if you aren't already. 

There is little to fear when you are aligned with your growth. Life is always bound up in struggle, but when we do what we can to fully live ours, when we try our best to enact our agency and participate in our lives like we mean it, we come as close as we can to freedom. 

While so much of the focus of late April and early May has been on you, May's Full Moon wants you to ponder your committed relationships. Helping you to fine tune what you are looking for in a mate, partner, client, or comrade, the light of this Full Moon outlines what fits with your life and what you have outgrown the need for. Never fear what you find here. The truth of your needs only helps you clarify what kind of space to prepare for the partnerships you're ready to bring in. 

NOW 50% OFF: You'll find a more detailed reading for your sign and a guided meditation for this Full Moon in Scorpio, in A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Scorpio, Astrology of April 22 - May 21 + A Journey through Venus Retrograde Pt 1


Gemini & Gemini Rising 

May is one of the months on the calendar of 2020 that stands out for you. It speaks to all the ways in which you are needed by others. It articulates the expectations they have of you, and you have of them. It tells the stories of your way of loving, caring, and creating space for connection. This is the time to understand which relationships to be devoted to and which to have a healthy distance from. This is a review of the relationships that helped to form you, how they still inform you, and how you are learning to reform your way of bonding with others. 

The next two years see you going through a great many changes, upgrades, and increases. Your appetite for success soars. Your ability to receive attention amplifies. Your restlessness gets to an all-time high if you don't have the right things to focus on. Because this is only the beginning, make sure to set yourself up with the right kinds of outlets. What do you want to learn, teach, write, or release to the world over the next couple of years? Get to know the difference between growth that is soulfully satisfying and grasping for things you think will fill the void. 

May's Full Moon pulls focus on the most pressing work projects, what you are learning from them, and what you are able to make with them. It reminds you that now is the time to focus on providing your body what it needs in order to get the tasks on your lists done. Supporting the physical system can't be done in the same ways it was, however. It's ok if one day you sleep for 10 hours and the next for 4 for no other reason than that is what is happening. With so many of our worldly structures closed at the moment, our bodies bear the brunt of the confusion. Be kind to your system while the world sorts itself out.   

NOW 50% OFF: You'll find a more detailed reading for your sign and a guided meditation for this Full Moon in Scorpio, in A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Scorpio, Astrology of April 22 - May 21 + A Journey through Venus Retrograde Pt 1

Cancer & Cancer Rising

According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of hypnagogic is: of, relating to, or occurring in the period of drowsiness immediately preceding sleep. The astrology of May has you investigating this state fairly thoroughly. The hypnosis of this moment isn't meant to derail you, as much as it is lulling you into a state of deep relaxation so that you can better get to know all that does. Don't be alarmed if you sink into pockets of sleep that feel otherworldly, meditations that move you beyond the usual mode of being, and moments of fantasy that feel all too real. If you have the luxury, try not to rush through these experiences. This is your invitation into aspects of self that get glossed over when your world is overwhelmed by busy. 

May's Full Moon asks you to reflect on your creative projects, their process, and the connection between your inner work and your outer self-expression. The reward for doing the inner work is that you get to experience what it means to create in ways that help you better value, understand, and unleash your creative energy in the world. The result is work that's honest, clear, and respectable. Not everyone will like it but that's none of your business, is it?  

NOW 50% OFF: You'll find a more detailed reading for your sign and a guided meditation for this Full Moon in Scorpio, in A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Scorpio, Astrology of April 22 - May 21 + A Journey through Venus Retrograde Pt 1


Leo & Leo Rising

Minding one's business is a lost art but one that you are asked to resurrect over the course of May (June, July and part of August too, but especially May). Consider this your renaissance period. Consider contributing advice only when it's asked for. Make comments off limits until you've been invited to contribute; not because you don't have anything valuable to add, rather the contrary. This time period is going to give you great insights into group dynamics, your friend's dramas, and interpersonal wheelings and dealings. 

As friends flock to you for support with their secrets, sorrows, and sentiments, your role becomes to help them find the answers that are already within. Offer up space that encourages the inner wisdom of all to come forward. The more you strengthen this muscle for others, the more you do for yourself.   

What we seek is always ourselves. 

May's Full Moon reminds you that your job is to give yourself the childhood you never had. Read yourself a bedtime story. Wear your favorite tu-tu on a Tuesday afternoon. Give yourself the quality time that you crave. 

NOW 50% OFF: You'll find a more detailed reading for your sign and a guided meditation for this Full Moon in Scorpio, in A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Scorpio, Astrology of April 22 - May 21 + A Journey through Venus Retrograde Pt 1


Virgo & Virgo Rising

Lighting up your calendar,  May's Full Moon pulls focus on all the writing you've accomplished, zoom calls you've been a part of, and neighborly care you've demonstrated. It also magnifies your routines and rituals, sees you mourning what you miss about life as it was and helps you to appreciate life as it is now. 

The rituals that kept you feeling on track and tethered to your community might have gone underground, but in their absence what has emerged? What have the moments of doubt, peace, and deep vulnerability helped you to understand about yourself? What have these pauses in your productivity helped you to ponder?

The Full Moon has you feeling everything - please leave space for diverse emotions to converge. No matter how likeable you make sure to be in your public life, allow your less than respectable feelings to surface in private. If you aren't privy to your imperfections, if you don't want to intimately know the more disastrous side of your mind, the uncouth commentary that buzzes in the background of your brain most days, you're in trouble. The greatest gift in life is being able to accompany ourselves through it; from ravaged to reborn. Don't be afraid of knowing more about how you work, what you feel ashamed about, and what you'd like to destroy on your worst day; it's the only way to get to fully enjoy your best ones. 

NOW 50% OFF: You'll find a more detailed reading for your sign and a guided meditation for this Full Moon in Scorpio, in A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Scorpio, Astrology of April 22 - May 21 + A Journey through Venus Retrograde Pt 1


Libra & Libra Rising

The need for a romantic getaway is most-likely high at the moment, but will have to be satiated by other scenarios. Fill your weekends with novels that sweep you off your feet, epic dramas that seduce you into the telling of their tale, and the kinds of masterful fantasies that fill you with the desire to create your own. As you let your imagination run wild, see what creative possibilities it begins speaking to. This moment might not bring about many easily finished works, but the process of actively letting your imagination do its thing is an accomplishment in and of itself. 

Try to protect your fantasy life from your rational mind when you write about your feelings, dreams, or visions. Allow your unconscious to talk to you, let it know that you are interested in what it is serving, and appreciative of being able to sit at its table. The healing that can happen from this kind of relationship building is vital and not something easily attained when life is overly busy. 

As May's Full Moon blooms, it points to the ways in which you make a living, work with your resources, and generate more of what you need from what you already have. Sometimes it can feel like a magic trick, but you aren't making something out of nothing. Capitalism is the illusion; your gifts, your labor, and your care are what's real. 

NOW 50% OFF: You'll find a more detailed reading for your sign and a guided meditation for this Full Moon in Scorpio, in A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Scorpio, Astrology of April 22 - May 21 + A Journey through Venus Retrograde Pt 1

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Needing to be liked is impossible land to build a life upon. It demands contortion, self-refusal, and an untold number of lies that you must try to live within. Being honest costs us some false comforts, but it is the only antidote to living in a world that refuses so much of the truth. As May's Full Moon shines its spotlight upon you, unabashedly, it asks you to take yourself in. 

All the way. 

Only you know what it has taken to get here. Only you know what you have had to give up, let go of, or get right with in order to be able to have lived this triumphantly and failed this brilliantly. The cost of not trying to is too steep, too soul-crushing, and too empty of an endeavor to be on. 

May's Full Moon comes with benefits. It highlights your efforts, upholds your accomplishments, and praises your prowess. Take the moment in. Reward yourself by reaffirming your commitment to living as close to your dreams as possible. Encourage yourself by continuing to explore your curiosity. Celebrate your victories, no matter how small, by being candid about what you had to confront internally in order to achieve them; it's the best way to make sure that you repeat the process the next time you need to. 

NOW 50% OFF: You'll find a more detailed reading for your sign and a guided meditation for this Full Moon in Scorpio, in A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Scorpio, Astrology of April 22 - May 21 + A Journey through Venus Retrograde Pt 1


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

May's Full Moon calls you in. Closer to the core of yourself, your feelings are harder to ignore. You can't be in quarantine for this long and not get under the surface layers of at least a couple of your defenses. You can't be in quarantine this long and not get under the surface of at least a couple of layers of exhaustion. Get under the covers when the bed calls you - there's good stuff to be found there. 

Staring at the ceiling has enticed a million bright ideas to come forth. Being unproductive is necessary. Doing nothing isn't as glamorous as it sounds. 

It takes practice to still oneself into being. 

You can go your whole life not knowing who you are. You can go your entire existence without listening to yourself for 5 minutes. You can run through your life if you are too afraid to stop and get to know it. All of these are options, and all of them are valid, but don't choose them if you think even for a moment that you might regret them. Even the slightest bit of curiosity about how you work and why is a life-altering invitation into a relationship with yourself that will never leave you in the lurch. 

NOW 50% OFF: You'll find a more detailed reading for your sign and a guided meditation for this Full Moon in Scorpio, in A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Scorpio, Astrology of April 22 - May 21 + A Journey through Venus Retrograde Pt 1

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Your friends need you. They need you to hold your boundaries. They need you to make decisions that support your integrity. They need you to show up for yourself in ways they are still learning to themselves. 

Your friends need you to be able to ask for help. They need to know that you need them. They need to know that you miss them. They need to know that you remember them even though you aren't with them. 

Your friends need you to be able to communicate when you are upset, name an issue when you have one, and fight them on a bad decision when they make one. They need you to not need them to always like you. They need your honesty and your dedication to doing what's right and not just what's easy.  

May's Full Moon reminds you that your friendships are sources of great transformations, teachings and even, at times, self-actualization. Notice who is around at the moment that's helping you uncover a little more of your truth and release a little more of the baggage about whether or not you are worthy of such support. 

NOW 50% OFF: You'll find a more detailed reading for your sign and a guided meditation for this Full Moon in Scorpio, in A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Scorpio, Astrology of April 22 - May 21 + A Journey through Venus Retrograde Pt 1

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

May's Full Moon is your invitation to find ways to shine in the world. A less than straightforward pursuit these days, still, this part of May helps you to appreciate the world-building that you've been able to make happen over the past year. It helps you to appreciate the relationships that you've been able to establish, the aspects of the industry that you've been able to positively impact, and the little to large ways in which you cleared a corner of your professional life to shine within. 

The Full Moon comments on the potency of your impact, and all the ways in which you are learning to trust it: by building faith in your ability one affirming action at a time; building professional relationships one follow through after another; and building a meaningful career one year of personal growth followed by the next. 

With zero control over how the world receives you, you have agency about how you receive it. How you celebrate the little wins and learn from the big losses is key to knowing that whether or not the world is open or closed for business, you are a success. 

NOW 50% OFF: You'll find a more detailed reading for your sign and a guided meditation for this Full Moon in Scorpio, in A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Scorpio, Astrology of April 22 - May 21 + A Journey through Venus Retrograde Pt 1

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Pema Chödrön writes, "We are a poignant mixture of something that isn't all that beautiful and yet is dearly loved." To accept the parts of ourselves that aren't all that beautiful is some of the most important work we are ever tasked with, and precisely because it is so incredibly challenging, it can only be done when we know how dearly we are loved. 

But love is not always so easy to come by and when we do, it can seem fleeting. 

Better to start with taking loving actions. Try a few loving words on repeat. Try creating loving spaces to physically exist within. Try doing for yourself what others that love you do for you. As May's Full Moon seeks to help you understand your more caustic, contentious, or inconsiderate behaviours, these loving actions will come in handy. Try not to judge yourself, worry yourself about being "good", or spend too much energy trying to get life right. To want to be only holy, divine, or purified of all human faults robs you of so much. Such an incomplete image of self steals the depth, the layers, and the sturdiness of your humanity. 

Exploring your beliefs is what this Full Moon is after. Make sure there is ample appreciation for what all sides of you, not just the ones you want the world to know about. 

NOW 50% OFF: You'll find a more detailed reading for your sign and a guided meditation for this Full Moon in Scorpio, in A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Scorpio, Astrology of April 22 - May 21 + A Journey through Venus Retrograde Pt 1

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