Tuesday, May 5, 2020

A note on Thursday’s Full Moon in Scorpio

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Thursday's Full Moon in Scorpio

The way the online yoga lady talks to us and herself is concerning to me. Her aggressive positivity makes me uneasy. Her all-the-time sweetness is wearisome. It smacks of the patriarchal truisms that women have to be nice in order to exist. Thin in order to be happy. Perfect in order to be counted. 

Normally I would be too annoyed to finish the class, but quarantine has made me vulnerable and dependent on the structure of a class to give my workdays some kind of closure. "Whew, that was hard! You deserve a break! I deserve a break!", she cheers. It makes me wonder why she feels the need to justify having or giving a break, what pleasures she feels the need to earn, and if in order to give in to what her body wants it always has to be because she suffered enough to "deserve" it?  

I wonder what it would sound like for her to swear and mean it. 

I want to tell her that it's ok to have a little ecstasy with no excuse, a moment of rest with no need for it being a reward, and that I know what it's like to think that you have to suffer enough just to feel like you have the right to exist. 

I, too, used to do patriarchy. 

The Full Moon in Scorpio arrives on May 7, at 3:45 AM PT. Scorpio unearths. No cover-ups can withstand these waters. No need to be nice. Here there is no striving for perfect; only honesty is necessary.  

Scorpio hungers for real exchanges. Every yearning, every emotion, every story of how you sacrificed yourself and came to regret it, struggled with it, and reclaimed yourself from it - or not - satiates this sign. 

At least momentarily. 

This Full Moon comes at a moment in the year when most of us have spent enough time alone to know our own secrets, flaws, and imperfections a little, or a lot, better. Maybe too well. Maybe we feel like we have had enough digging in the dirt of our own psyches. Maybe we don't need a Full Moon in Scorpio to unearth anymore, deepen anything, or reveal another extreme emotional state.

But, alas. Here we are.  

Interpersonal dramas tend to get exaggerated when they can't be worked out in real life. When the physiological benefits of being together aren't accessible, it's easier to spin a tale about how your family, friends, coworkers, or lovers are fed up with you (why isn't that one friend responding on the group text?); making horrible decisions for themselves (why weren't they wearing a mask in that photo?); or maybe have been abducted by aliens (why has the speed at which they usually answer my texts changed so drastically?). 

We need to be relentlessly kind to the parts of ourselves that fear being abandoned, betrayed, or forgotten when we are isolated, unsure, and unable to find a new normal. Scorpio pulls back the layers of an issue, sometimes exposing bones that are best left covered with flesh, skin, and clothing.

Easy does it with this lunation. 

Sitting in a healing trine to Neptune, an empowering sextile to Pluto, and a spiteful square to Mars, the Full Moon is a mixed bag of emotions. I want to hold everyone with compassion in this moment, but then I hear about groups of white, gun-toting-racist-paraphernalia-wearing-protesters at the state Capitol demanding their "right" to do whatever they want during a pandemic (which essentially means contracting and spreading Covid-19). The fact that "Black people get executed by police for just existing, while white people dressed like militia members carrying assault weapons are allowed to threaten State Legislators and staff", as Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib put it, tends to send me. 

Humanity is hard.

Happening on the same day as Mercury sextiles Neptune, the Full Moon will help us lean a little more fully into our creative visions and idealism about the future, but be careful with it. Venus in Gemini is currently in a month-long square to Neptune as it stations retrograde, making hype, hope, boundarylessness, and fantasy run wild. 

It cares not for reality, but I do. 

Do we need pleasure, yes! Do we need joy, yes! Do we need connection, yes! Do we need to socialize in large groups, not now! Please get your groove on in the absolute safest way possible, if not for you, for those that you can protect. The North Node, newly in Gemini, amplifies Venus/Neptune's desperate need for romance, movement, and copious amounts of connection. With the many businesses that are talking about reopening in May, we can feel how hungry the world is to return, and it's more than understandable; for most, it is an economic necessity. However, I'm not trusting the general population's ability to critically think our way through May. 

As such, I'm keeping myself locked away with facemasks and sanitizers at the ready. This way, the worst that can happen is that the unknowing yoga teachers continue to bear the virtual brunt of my angst, amateur psychological assessments, and gratitude for the structure, strength, and space they are providing me to work through this wild and unpredictable time. 

NOW 50% OFF: You'll find a more detailed reading for your sign, including how to work with this Full Moon in Scorpio, in A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Scorpio, Astrology of April 22 - May 21 + A Journey through Venus Retrograde Pt 1



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