Friday, May 15, 2020

Chani in Conversation with Marie Kondo on Tidying with the Moon

Chani in Conversation with Marie Kondo on Tidying with the Moon

Illustrations by Abbey Lossing for KonMari Media, Inc.

We're in a time of heightened anxiety and uncertainty. How can astrology help us through this moment – and others like it? 

Astrology teaches us about cycles, rhythms and patterns. It teaches us that there is a beginning, a middle and an end to things; it reminds us that we're in a moment – whether glorious or horrific – and that it will change. We can't be attached to any of it, but we can be in relationship with all of it.

When we look at the present moment with a broad worldview – and put it in the context of past decades and centuries – we can see the astrological patterns that emerge and understand which ones, historically, correlate with difficult times in history. It can be alarming to look at these hard moments before we've arrived at one of our own – but they can be oddly comforting to dive into once we're in it. 

Looking at the world through an astrological lens helps us to understand that this moment is not going to go on forever – and that it's also not happening in a silo. It's connected to the unfolding of everything else. 

When we arrive at a crisis point, all of the things that keep us in alignment when life is "normal" need to be called to the fore. That's when our spiritual practices and ways of taking care of ourselves either really come through for us or show us that they don't actually work that well.

Tidying is about confronting your life. In its own way, it's a practice of radical self-acceptance. Tell me about that phrase – what does it mean to you, and why is it important?

Radical self-acceptance can sound very charged and very energetic. But, at its heart, it's about a softening. 

Human beings project so much onto each other. When we see somebody's success – in any realm of life – we want what they have. A lot of us think that we need to become that person – or mold ourselves into something that we're not – in order to get the kind of accolades our ego often craves and that the systems we're in have set us up to want. Knowing one's own desires is really like a lifelong unraveling of the impact of those systems on our psyche.

If astrology speaks to you, your chart can be a shortcut to those unique desires. It says what it says. It's a message just to me – non-negotiable. These are the qualities. This is what was present at the moment of your birth. This is how it can manifest. 

What I've seen from giving readings over the years is that what the chart says is what the soul wants. Once we accept what our talents and our desires are – and where our curiosity and the energy is – and we give ourselves permission to go there, a lot of things just naturally fall into place. We can flow with our life. 

There's a theme in our lives that usually begins at the very early stages, and we can see little breadcrumbs of it throughout the years. We might try to do other things outside of it, but generally that's where we keep coming back – to the place where the energy is and where meaning comes from. 

When you recognize that, there can be a relaxation within yourself and with the way life is going. Radical self-acceptance is just letting ourselves know it's okay to be who we are.

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Illustrations by Abbey Lossing for KonMari Media, Inc.
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