Thursday, May 21, 2020

Horoscopes for Friday's New Moon in Gemini

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Horoscopes for the New Moon in Gemini

Your affirmation horoscopes for the New Moon in Gemini are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please feel free to read both horoscopes. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.

Aries & Aries Rising

The calendar invites are constant, the collaborations are considerable, and the conversations are plenty. I am lucky when I am not at a loss of people to connect with, but that doesn't mean I am starving for screen time. 

With this New Moon, I refresh my browser and take a little time offline. 

I set an intention to connect with myself before my inbox. A couple of deep breaths can do wonders. A moment of connection with something larger than my immediate surroundings can move mountains. 

I resist the urge to get everything done as fast as humanly possible. I know that there will always be more to do; the conveyor belts of life's activities are relentless. 

Outsmarting the pace of progress is impossible. Staying afloat and experiencing some pleasure while doing so depends on my ability to auto-sort what's urgent and what is just more junk mail. 

I refuse to be overwhelmed by a deluge of anxieties that aren't mine and while I can hold the experiences of others with compassion, I can't solve anything for anyone.

I stay clear on what I take home and what stays on my desk, even when everything is in the same room.

To work more deeply with the New Moon and Venus Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, Astrology of May 22-June 19 +A Journey Through Venus Retrograde Pt 2. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

The issues that come up for me at work cut deeper than my bottom line. The feelings that I get to unpack about my productivity, my dispensability, and my creativity range from overwhelming to exhilarating. I'm coming to understand what I truly desire and what I only think I want. 

Detangling myself from the fantasy of success takes a serious effort, but it's the only way to know what will be the best investment to make with my life's energy.

I refuse to measure my worth by what I own, what I earn, or the power I can derive from a position. Instead I source my satisfaction from how much I learn about myself through the ups and downs of struggling and succeeding. While there are new ways to do business that I am learning, there's never a replacement for good old-fashioned self-reflection.

With this New Moon, I remember to reach out for help from trusted allies, friends, and supporters. My work needs input from my networks. Creative inspirations flourish when I stay curious about what others bring into my sphere. Folks with experience want to help and I promise to remain open to their support. 

To work more deeply with the New Moon and Venus Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, Astrology of May 22-June 19 +A Journey Through Venus Retrograde Pt 2. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

I practice the art of rejuvenation. I get curious about what settles my system, restores my energy, and hydrates my being. I work with the remedies that soak into my soul; if it's only skin deep I don't throw too many coins into its fountain. My beauty is unearthed when I push past the narratives of needing to change, lose, tighten, or tame in order to be desired. I'm wilder than the icons of the masses. I'm freer than the contorted figures held up to me in judgement. I'm faster than fashion so I don't look to trends to define me.   

I desire to be me more than anything. 

With this New Moon I remember who I am, where I come from, and how to keep reclaiming myself from a past that couldn't honor me. It doesn't matter if I come from a wreckage or a wonderland; what matters is how I use what I've been given for rebirth. I give myself permission to spread my wings, think outside of the flock, and find the flight path I'm ready for next.

To work more deeply with the New Moon and Venus Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, Astrology of May 22-June 19 +A Journey Through Venus Retrograde Pt 2. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

With this New Moon, I work backwards. I trace the patterns of unease to the source. Instead of just accepting it, I want to know why the opposite of pleasure is present. I need to know the myths my woes emerged from and the worries that stay trapped in my wounds. 

There's no feeling too insignificant to gloss over. It's often following the subtlest of sensations that leads me to a watershed moment. Lifting these layers is labor I may resent at times, but it's the kind of effort that leads to revelations nothing else will. It's unglamorous work but all cleanses are. 

A clear conscience doesn't just happen on it's own. 

Well-being hinges on my ability to be with what hurts, love what feels neglected, and accept what has broken. Shame tells me to stay in hiding, but growth knows that there is no hope there. I don't need to be perfect to be worthy of love. 

Recovering what I've lost along the way takes my strengths and my flaws. Healing doesn't happen unless all of me gets to be front and center. Self- love doesn't occur until the raw material of my inner life can exist alongside the polished persona I present to the public. 

To work more deeply with the New Moon and Venus Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, Astrology of May 22-June 19 +A Journey Through Venus Retrograde Pt 2. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Leo & Leo Rising

With this New Moon, I remember that while needing time with friends makes me human, wanting myself first makes life divine. I am a social creature who needs attention, love, and affection but if I only ever source it from outside I will never know the pleasures of my own company. 

I want to love being at this party no matter who else attends. 

With this New Moon, I shower my social circles with a lot of affection and little expectation for what it will return. I know that people are in their feelings in a million different ways right now; I try to take no one's response, or lack thereof, personally.

I'm learning how to adore others as a form of self-care. The more beauty I recognize around me, the more I see and celebrate it in myself. The more I offer my appreciation, the more room for it there is in the world. We mirror each other in a multitude of conscious and unconscious ways. I'm giving to others what I wanted reflected around me.

To work more deeply with the New Moon and Venus Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, Astrology of May 22-June 19 +A Journey Through Venus Retrograde Pt 2. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

It's the connections I build in my professional life that count. It's the people that help me celebrate my wins, help me to refine my strategies, and encourage me to deepen my commitment to what matters most that are my true colleagues. We may never share an office or an industry, but the people that help shape my work into something I can be proud of are the people I consider on my team.

With this New Moon, I remember why I wanted to do the work in the first place. I unearth the original desires that brought me here. I weigh whether or not they still move me to make the effort. I let myself explore other avenues for my skills knowing that if this is my professional path, I'll not want to stray too far from it. 

Certainty is unsustainable; instead I view my professional life with curiosity. I follow the energy. I take note of where there is movement and see if I enjoy going with its current. I reserve my time for things that require as little strain as necessary. Effort is always important, but too much tension and unnecessary stress depletes the system.

To work more deeply with the New Moon and Venus Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, Astrology of May 22-June 19 +A Journey Through Venus Retrograde Pt 2. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Libra & Libra Rising

The length of my journey is not lost on me. The hills that I've climbed have given me a sturdiness. The valleys I've dipped down into have taught me the importance of rest. 

From this vantage point, I can honestly say that I am proud of how far I've come. 

My mind may try to compare my journey to that of another, but it's an old trick that holds little weight when I inspect it. I refuse to fall for it. I hold myself to my own standard, it's the only place that gives me access to my power. Trying to live up to another person's story is like trying to use their fingerprint to open up my iPhone. 

A waste of time. 

With this New Moon, I remember that the goals I achieve are only as good as the depth of connection they help me to attain. Accolades are easy to focus on but it's my experience of the moments that get me there that count and that is where I'll place my attention.

To work more deeply with the New Moon and Venus Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, Astrology of May 22-June 19 +A Journey Through Venus Retrograde Pt 2. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

With this New Moon, I count my blessings. I challenge the parts of myself that tend to take life for granted. I practice the art of gratitude by making it into a practice. 'Thank you' falls from my lips as easy as an exhale. Appreciation frees me from isolation. True wealth means I feel abundant because of the joy I get from giving. Generosity is an asset that never wanes in its value but compounds in interest rapidly.

I aim to be in relationship with what heals me. 

Like a bad first date, despair will sit at my table, but once it understands that I am unwilling to entertain, it will also get up and go. Bad days are followed by good ones. Good days are followed by bad ones. In this moment, it's not helpful to try and make sense of the order of things. 

When I find that I am trying to make meaning of chaos that has no rhyme or reason I will pause, pick up a pen and paper and write until the feeling passes. I can't control this moment. I can't hurry the world. I can only learn how to channel the feelings so they don't backfire, flood, or fool me into thinking this is a disaster instead of a detour.

To work more deeply with the New Moon and Venus Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, Astrology of May 22-June 19 +A Journey Through Venus Retrograde Pt 2. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

With this New Moon, I remember to waste no time getting to the truth. If it bothers me, I find out why. If it makes me sad, I seek a salve. A pileup of disappointments leads to distrust quicker than Twitter can say, "Well, actually..". 

While my past informs my present, I am careful not to repeat the parts of it that caused me unnecessary pain. I do this by giving others what I wish I had been offered. I practice being clear as a way of providing care. I know that when I am generous, I am at my best. 

Giving someone the benefit of the doubt costs me nothing and may even encourage all involved to show up with more of their gifts and less of their mess. Investigating relationship issues helps everyone involved feel safe enough to do the same and if they can't get there on their own, I'm willing to lead the way. 

In the end it helps me be kinder to myself, and that is the sort of relationship I'm aiming for.

To work more deeply with the New Moon and Venus Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, Astrology of May 22-June 19 +A Journey Through Venus Retrograde Pt 2. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

With this New Moon, I dust off the shoulder pads of my favorite power suit and peruse my work schedules. I know that these days are derailed by a force much larger than what I'd bargained for so I fortify myself with the pleasures of a winning professional aesthetic. 

A bold lip never hurt a Zoom meeting.

Connection is key when trying to get my ideas heard. I know that I can give out insightful information all day, but I'm not really received until I am felt. Before meetings, pitches, and proposals, I take a moment to center myself. Reminding myself that it's not about getting something right or wrong, it's about being curious and committed to the process. It's about making genuine connections no matter where I am or what I am trying to achieve. 

When work projects have a hard time getting off the ground, I redirect my energy by learning something new. I know that my ideas of how things should be rarely line up with how they turn out. Remaining open and teachable is one of the most abundant places to rest my awareness. I am open to learning something new about the things I think I know for sure.

To work more deeply with the New Moon and Venus Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, Astrology of May 22-June 19 +A Journey Through Venus Retrograde Pt 2. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

With this New Moon, I recommit to remaining curious about my creative process. I experiment with what I am working on. When something catches the light in an interesting way, I investigate. I study what the moment wants from me rather than forcing it into something I think it should be.

I remind myself to tap into the immense power of relaxation. 

I give into joy rather than grasping at it. I offer little pleasures to surround my day like parchment paper around a fresh pastry - an unthreatening but necessary protection. I remember that kindness is the antidote to despair and in this moment I am in need of a double dose. 

Allowing myself the luxury of quality time with my muses might be frowned upon by my inner critic, but self-denial is a habit I developed in response to feeling out of control. When this kind of harsh response unreasonably erupts from within, I distract it with kindness and derail it with a little humor. I know that giving this kind of inner character a name is a great way to call it out and diffuse its impact. Words have power and I'm not afraid to use them for my ultimate pleasure.

To work more deeply with the New Moon and Venus Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, Astrology of May 22-June 19 +A Journey Through Venus Retrograde Pt 2. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

I am always dwelling in the space where my past and my present intersect. I bring with me every lesson I have learned, every love letter I've received, and every misunderstanding I have yet to unpack. I am meant to outgrow the small gardens of my earlier life. I am meant to break the barriers of the boxes that I was once comfortably contained within. 

With this New Moon, I spend time sorting through the tales I've inherited. I investigate the stores that are internally on repeat. I retrieve my energy from the versions of my history that have had me spellbound. I break the agreements that I made to parents and caregivers that appeased them but betrayed my best interests. I reclaim any part of me that's been arrested in development for fear of upsetting my family system. 

I know that no relationship is more important than the one I have with myself; it is the foundation from which I build all else and the home that I always seek. With this New Moon, I set myself a place at my own table, overflowing with nourishment and appreciative of the company I keep.

To work more deeply with the New Moon and Venus Retrograde, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Gemini, Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, Astrology of May 22-June 19 +A Journey Through Venus Retrograde Pt 2. In it you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

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