Monday, March 17, 2008

The cats are really adjusting quite well

Kinda. We have been moving all the rooms around to prepare for the bambino...round bed into our room, our bed into storage until we move Danny's office to the garage. So they've been pretty freaked since under our bed was their little cat clubhouse. Clem can squeeze under the round bed but Lilly is too fat. Not to mention that poor Clementine is being terrorized by the Roomba (robot vacuum that rules!), I swear it targets her and will follow her to whatever hiding place she can find. So she has reverted to her feral kitty ways and is back to hiding inside the couch like when we first got her. It's always one step forward and two steps back with that one...

Anyway, we got the nursery painted this weekend and it turned out great. Danny is going to do the moulding and floor boards next weekend and then we'll have the furniture delivered. Three months and counting till stork drop! And yes, internet, I've heard your complaints about the black on black pregnancy photos so here is a yellow on yellow. Which proves how much I love you to post this since I'm not looking super hot, but whatever, I'm seven months pregnant, give me a freaking break, already!

Clem hiding in the couch.

Lilly hiding behind Danny's desk.

Danny after primering the formerly orange guest room.

I'll post pics of the finished nursery when we get there.


DaNae said...

Yellow will be so cute for the nursery. Can't wait to see pics. Your cats are ca-razy

Dorianne said...

It looks like you and Danny have been quite the worker bees. I think that it is so fun getting ready for a baby.

Danielle said...

Dori, you and Di both needs to start your's suoer easy.

Rebecca Lorenz-Humphries said...

Oh that is such a great room with so much sunlight! And you look adorably mommy! I just cant wait to see you and meet that little baby! Let me know when the shower will be and I will do all I can to try and make it! XOXO

Danielle said...

Hi Rebecca! May 4th...invites are going out next week. I know you have your hands full with the new baby, but we'd love to see you!

Amanda said...

You are such a cute prgo lady!! I'm so excited for you two to have this little girl!! Any names picked out yet? Oh gues what we should be movin out to Cali sometime at the end of summer!!