Friday, November 19, 2021

Not a single Republican voted for this

The House just took a huge step forward for working people by passing the Build Back Better Act. Here's some of what this legislation will do for families and our future:
Warren Democrats


The House just took a huge step forward for working people by passing the Build Back Better Act.

Here's some of what this legislation will do for families and our future:

  • Bring down costs that have been zooming up and crushing families for decades — like child care (you know I've been in the fight on this one), prescription drugs, housing, home- and community-based care, and more
  • Make a big down payment in solving the climate crisis
  • Get giant corporations to pay a fair share with our plan for a Corporate Minimum Tax

I want to recognize that passing this bill was only possible because Democrats took back the House in 2018, and held onto our majority in 2020. Everyone who knocked on doors, made phone calls, or pitched in a few bucks owns a piece of this victory. So thank you, thank you, thank you for being a part of this grassroots team.

Now the Senate must act — we've been talking for long enough. I'll keep pushing to make sure we get this done as soon as possible.

And as we get ready for the 2022 midterm elections, let's remember: Democrats are doing all this without any help from the GOP.

Not a single House Republican voted for quality, affordable child care. Or universal pre-k. Or paid leave. Or lower prescription prices. Or fighting climate change. Or making giant corporations pay a fair share.

So we've got to do everything we can to keep Republicans from taking back power. Can you pitch in $15 or more to support our re-election and help elect Democrats up and down the ballot? Your contribution right now would go a long way to lay the groundwork for victory.

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We have to beat the GOP across the country because they're only on the side of the rich and powerful. They'd rather point fingers than lift a finger to help working people, and they won't do anything to upset their corporate backers — like Big Pharma and Big Oil.

They just want to sit back while droughts, wildfires, and hurricanes devastate communities. While millions of women can't go to work because they can't get child care. While babies don't get the good start in life that they need with quality early education. While child care workers — mostly women and women of color — aren't paid enough to make ends meet. While families ration insulin.

So Democrats will keep working to get the Build Back Better Act over the finish line in the Senate and onto President Biden's desk. And we'll keep fighting to make our country work for everyone, not just a thin slice at the top.

But we can only make big, structural change and protect and expand our Democratic majorities in Congress if we work together as a grassroots movement. Please make a donation if you can today to help power our work.

Thanks for being a part of this,


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