Monday, July 20, 2020

Horoscopes for Today's New Moon in Cancer

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Horoscopes for the New Moon in Cancer
Your new moon horoscopes are written affirmation style. They are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You'll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.

Aries & Aries Rising

Unless I am willing to let the truth of my past be unearthed, the meaning of the present moment will feel evasive. Precious energy spent distancing myself from my mistakes also distances me from my triumphs. Too often I can be convinced to only see one side of a story, one kind of heroine, or one version of myself. The more I allow space for all the complicated aspects of me to exist, the less I am likely to condemn myself for all the paths that growth leads me down. 

Getting from A-Z is messy. 

I do myself a disservice when I try to get everything right at the expense of being honest. Sometimes I need to risk my reputation in order to be loving towards myself. 

With this New Moon, I slow down. I spend time creating spaces that soothe me, that remind me there are parts of my life that are effortless. I remember to be aligned with myself as a counter to the culture of overworking. I refuse to make plans while frustrated, frazzled, or feeling overwhelmed. Too often the world says to rush when really it can wait.  

To work more deeply with this New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Cancer, Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 20-August 17. In it, you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Taurus & Taurus Rising 

I know that putting pen to paper is spell work. Each time I write, I am recentering myself; casting a circle where healing can happen. With this New Moon, I take a little time every day to jot down a phrase, a note, or a sentiment that I want to carry with me through the day, encouraging myself in order to counter what tries to admonish me.   

Recreating a just world takes a million small movements. 

Specificity is an incantation that I use deliberately. I pour over the books written by those who lived their lives not for themselves alone, but in service of the masses. I listen to the voices of those who are thinking about generations before and after us. I use this time to course correct, making sure that what I am doing in this moment has the integrity necessary to turn into something that could offer comfort, sustenance, and maybe even a little guidance for others down the road. My ego will often trick me into thinking that if what I am doing is not flashy or fancy, then it's not something worthy of my time. But witch wisdom knows that the ability to see the macro in the micro is powerful magic. 

To work more deeply with this New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Cancer, Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 20-August 17. In it, you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Gemini & Gemini Rising 

When a conversation gets heated, I seek the truth of its roots. Sometimes the only way to cool down is to dig until I find the hidden reasons for strife. Addressing underlying issues that have caused hurt feelings helps to reduce further harm. I give myself time to fairly assess a situation. Taking note of nuance makes me more sensitive to how we've been set up to do damage, steamrolling over specifics makes me an accomplice to the systems that perpetuate the most violence. If I really want to recreate the world, I have to deconstruct it one thought and sentiment at a time. 

Knowing the difference between the truth and what I think the group wants to hear requires me to be attuned to myself before anyone else. With this New Moon, I recommit to centering what I value most. I make an effort to be mindful with how I spend my resources, investing in what will last long-term, in what helps me build a structurally sound and supportive life, and in what helps me appreciate all the beauty that freely flows through my life.

To work more deeply with this New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Cancer, Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 20-August 17. In it, you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

May I be able to dismantle the obstacles that are in the way of my courage. May I refuse to be held captive by the bullies of my inner world. May the trolls I face be unable to halt my progress. Belittling others is no way to make change. 

Cruelty is disavowed of the privilege of building a home in my being. 

With this New Moon, I remember the power of thinking critically and kindly. Both are possible at the same time and in fact, when incorporated, are far more powerful than on their own. I ask that generosity be the principle that guides me so that I never feel justified in stripping anyone of their dignity or humanity in order to make a point. 

I do not want to recreate what the systems of punishment do. In the smallest of my interactions, I seek to maintain my boundaries and my humanity. 

I know that relationships are a hotbed of pleasure and frustration. Dealing with other humans is not a simple endeavor but if I want to learn how to do it deftly, I need to know how to hold even the most charged conversations with copious amounts of patience. 

To work more deeply with this New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Cancer, Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 20-August 17. In it, you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Leo & Leo Rising

With this New Moon, I understand in greater depth the impact of my self-care. The boundaries that I have put in place make it possible for me to show up with more solutions and less self-pity; more clarity and less exhaustion. I am learning how to spot burn out. I know that if I don't take it seriously, it will seriously mess with living my best life. I do not wish to be derailed from the path I have worked so hard to carve out. Being overwhelmed with stress is counterproductive to success if I measure mine by enjoying what I have built and how I have built it. And I do. 

With this New Moon, I remember the power of stillness, the impact of mindfulness, and the rush of trusting the messages that I receive. Spending the rest of my life learning to attune myself to my intuition is no time at all when compared to the thousands of years that dominant culture has taught me to distrust it. Unravelling the ways in which I have been taught to fear my own power opens me up to a source of creative energy that can topple The Patriarchy and its posse. 

To work more deeply with this New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Cancer, Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 20-August 17. In it, you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

I know that we are all conduits for the solution, clarifiers for one another's feelings, refineries for one another's best ideas. If I feel something bubbling under the surface, others do too. If I'm thinking about it, others will help me articulate it. If I feel urged to act on it, others are already set to spring to action, 

We are each other's initiators. 

For all of the unearthing that is going on in our world, what is revealed is how deeply we need one another. And because of that, how deeply we need ways to work through conflict with each other. The less harm I learn to do, the more opportunity for healing I create and can replicate in my industries, families, and operating systems at large. It's not a fast and furious solution. It's not a bandwagon to get on for a quick ride; it's a slow road to reworking our world through the personal to the political, through every avenue we have open, through every fiber of our beings. I know that if we want real change, we need substantive frameworks to make it through. I know that if I am ready, a world of others are too. With this New Moon, I recommit to finding and building with them, through thick and thin and all manner of learning curves. 

To work more deeply with this New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Cancer, Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 20-August 17. In it, you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Libra & Libra Rising

I pause when overwhelmed. I get still when I feel I'm being rushed. I know that if something gets stalled, I am being secretly protected. 

I trust the timing of my life. 

As different aspects of my professional relationships get unearthed, I get to make decisions that better align me with the outcome I most want to live out. Future generations depend on my ability to be patient with my process and unrelenting in my pursuit. My future success does too. I'm interested in sustainable progress, scalable solutions, and a long-term love affair with my calling.

With this New Moon, I remember to appreciate the obstacles I am facing for all that they can teach me. I know that they aren't arbitrary. I remember not to take them personally. I refuse discouragement to make more room for strategy. I honor the lineages of those that did this work before me and remember to call on them for help, strength, and support when needed. Even though it feels like I am alone sometimes, I never am. Someone before me, behind me, and right beside me has faced this too. It would be foolish of me to not take the time to benefit from their collective wisdom.    

To work more deeply with this New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Cancer, Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 20-August 17. In it, you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

I move in the directions that are critically sound and oriented towards compassion. I have little interest in being condemned or condemning. I am here for the philosophies that are complex enough to hold the problem of being human and nuanced enough to help us work towards repairing the harm that we so often tend to create.

There are enough fractures in this world without my mind being a place to harbor more. 

With this New Moon, I seek out the teachers that have found processes that are worth the work they take. I replicate what has worked, innovate what's out of date, and adjust my expectations from needing immediate gratification to wanting to honor the lineages that seek out collective healing.

I trust that if long-term plans get paused, it's a sign that something else needs to be understood before moving forward. It's not my job to question the timing of events. It's not my business to tell the world what schedule to be on. It's not in my best interests to waste energy pushing when I could otherwise be flowing, even if slowly.  

To work more deeply with this New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Cancer, Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 20-August 17. In it, you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

The pain is where the remedy is. My immediate response may be to move away from discomfort but I refuse to leave it unexamined. With this New Moon, I remember that trust issues run deep through most of us. We live in a world where bullies are in charge and no court holds them accountable. 

I have good reasons to be wary. 

When distrust surfaces in my relationships I take time to wonder exactly what I feel threatened about. Sometimes I have good reason given the current situation, sometimes it's a delayed response that is decades late. Better to know now than not at all. 

Regret is only as useful as it helps me make a different decision now. Generosity is a protective forcefield I can always cast to keep me safeguarded against the corrosive power of individualism, greed, and blame. While working through issues in collaborations, I take my time unpacking what they are about so that I can get to the heart of the issue with as little damage to the whole as possible. 

To work more deeply with this New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Cancer, Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 20-August 17. In it, you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

With this New Moon, I remember that we all came here to heal. Each of us. All of us. I am not exempt from needing to examine and intimately know the subtleties of this work. The unyielding investigation of my own behaviour needs to be met with an unremitting supply of compassion. To be in a relationship with anyone else is to meet myself constantly. On good days and bad. In my best moments and my worst. At the crossroads and turning points of my life there will always be a choice for me to make; I can repeat what I've been taught or I can look towards what I want to create more of and behave as if I was making space for that here and now. 

I know that it is impossible to haved lived inside of and to have survived so many systems of harm without ever perpetrating any harm myself. I know the rock of my shame and the hard place of taking accountability. I know that suffering eternally doesn't help anyone and if I am going to be a part of recreating the world that I want to live in, I need to find ways to navigate through what no one taught me to: moving through conflict without re-creating harm. 

To work more deeply with this New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Cancer, Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 20-August 17. In it, you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

If it's going slower than I think it should, if it's taking longer than I wish it would, I ask myself if it's as structurally sound as it needs to be. In the lulls of life, there are always spaces to dream, deepen, and develop a relationship with what is instead of demanding what I think things should be.  

When I feel impatient about the process, I wonder if I am investigating its richness. 

With this New Moon, I take my relationships to my work projects to the next level. I remember not to push, force, or demand my way through them. When something in life changes tempo, I seek to be in service of its rhythm. A million precious hours of collective creative energy have been wasted on trying to rush water to boil. I won't do my work or professional relationships that kind of disservice. Having patience isn't inactive, in fact it requires incredible discipline and a willingness to be of service to what will serve the long-term good for all involved. The inner work required is immense but also rewarding in ways nothing else is. 

To work more deeply with this New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Cancer, Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 20-August 17. In it, you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

My joy is a shortcut to my power. How I work with it, how I make time, space, and cultivate respect for it, helps me to reclaim my agency. When I am aligned with what gives me energy, I feel more confident in my ability to act deliberately and with purpose. 

Being able to follow the creative undercurrents of my life allows me to develop a finely tuned appreciation of its rhythms. I don't demand that my muses make my timeline. I don't berate myself when creative projects take longer than my ego wants them to. I respect the ways in which they are meant to unfold, knowing full-well that my need for instant gratification is bound to get in the way. I try to divert my ego's attention so that its need for glory isn't governing all I do. I want the efforts that I make to be enduring. I create for the collective, for my friends, loved ones, and all those that I have not and will not meet. I ask to be of service in a way that will create the greatest good for all involved and I trust what shows up as an answer.      

To work more deeply with this New Moon, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Cancer, Full Moon in Aquarius, and the Astrology of July 20-August 17. In it, you'll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.


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