Sunday, July 20, 2008

One month down!

Wow, so we made it through the first month! It went by so fast, but it was so much fun. We have gotten Rosabelle on a pretty good schedule and it feels like we have gotten into a nice groove. I don't want to jinx it, but she is such a good sleeper. I am so lucky she usually only gets up once a night and then she will go right back to sleep after I feed her. I even enjoy the late night feed since the house is mostly quiet, minus the nightly cat rodeo, and it's just me and her listening to the rhythmic snores of her father. OK, so maybe it's not so quiet, but it does feel like a special time, except when you have to change a massive poop bomb at 3 am. She had a messy diaper the other night that was epic. I probably should have turned the light on, but I think I was afraid to see this thing fully lit. I thought I did a good job cleaning her up, but in the morning I discovered poo on her pj's, poo crusted to her leg and poo on the wall. Next time I'll turn on the lights. Danny has been amazed by the sheer volume of poo that can come out of one little person. The cats are equally impressed.

Danny and I had our 4 year wedding anniversary this week. I am so lucky to have married him. He is he best husband and is the awesome father I always knew he would be. For our anniversary we got new iPhones! They are soooo cool. So all the pics from this post are from the camera on my iPhone. We are gonna try and do a 1 month photo shoot today with the D60. So I'll post some more this week.


DaNae said...

She is so chubbalicious! So I am pretty much her agent getting her gigs and stuff! See ya soon.

Children Books said...

I love the little papoose picture. It really just speaks for itself..She's like.."That's my Dad" and he's like "What's that smell". Can't wait to see you in August....XOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Bigwaves Blog said...

She is getting to be a little chunk. What a cutie. Can't wait to see her.

Amanda said...

Oh my she is so precious!!! It's alway amazing that not only such a little think can poop like that but the cuties babies let out come crazy ones!!lolHappy 4th... I want an iphone so bad!

Dorianne said...

How did she manage to get poop on the wall? Her talents are sure starting at a young age!

The Conductor said...

Hey Danielle! It's Amy (Clifton-now-Jones). So I am totally a blog-stalker. Have you noticed someone out in Buffalo NY has been peeking at your blog for a few weeks now? My mom got the web address from your mom and I've enjoyed catching up a little on you guys. Your baby is gorgeous! What a beautiful little doll! I decided to finally comment today because at some point I went, "Hey, it's July 27. That's Danielle's birthday." Don't ask me why I remember dates like that. I don't know. Oops, I never emailed Kay Raschka on July 5 for her b-day. Anyway, if you want to shoot me an email, I'm at amyandneal at gmail dot com. Sorry, no blog. (...yet??...) Good luck with everything! Hugs and Happy Birthday!