Friday, January 14, 2011

My iPad and other things

I know I've been a blog slacker, but I've barely glanced at my laptop since I got an ipad for Christmas. However, today I went to the apple store and got the camera connection kit so I can get photos from my phone to iPad and the blogger ipad I'm back, yo!

Had an awesome Christmas and the New Year is already cruising by. Here's a few pics from our trip to Spokane, Christmas, some miscellaneous. But really all I want to say going in to this weekend is GO STEELERS!!!!

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


DaNae said...

Glad you are back to bloggin cuz I need my Ro and Sonny fix. I am feeling a little behind in the ipad/iphone era. Come on April so I can renew my contract!

Bigwaves Blog said...

Those are great pictures. Thanks for posting. I need to get that attachment for my Ipad. Miss those Steeler babies.

Deborah said...

Infinity and beyond,that cracks me up! Love that gal and her Sonny brother.