Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Welcome home, Sonny!

Sonny Francis was born at 2:26 pm on 6/28. We gave him the middle name Francis after his Great Grand Pap Scherfel. The delivery went really smoothly, except for some extra hard work towards the end. After he was delivered the doctor said it was because he came out "Sunny Side Up", and I said that was pretty funny since we were planning on naming him Sonny.

Rosabelle was so excited to finally meet baby brother. She keeps saying things like "he's so tiny!" and "I like his little hat".

We are so happy to be home with a beautiful, healthy baby.

1 comment:

DaNae said...

The boys and I are all checkin' Sonny out! What sweet pictures. I wish we were there to enjoy a brand new baby. Breathe in some newborn smell for me.