Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lil Trooper

Rosabelle and her parents survived her first injury! Around noon today Rosabelle was playing on her toy cow (now off to the slaughter) and she took a header right into our metal staircase. There were tears and blood, but not too much of either. We immediately called her pediatrician who told us to apply pressure to stop the bleeding and bandage her up and instead of going to the ER she made an appointment for us to go right to a plastic surgeon.
The doctor wrapped her up like a burrito and taped her up so she would lie still. He was not sure if I would be ok, but I think he was just afraid I would go into labor during the surgery. Good thing I'm not squeamish cuz the cut was pretty nasty and it was freaky to watch him poking around in it. I'll spare you the graphic pic of the gaping wound.

Danny was holding her head and I was stabilizing her. The worst part was when he had to give her the local anesthesia and she kept saying "No, No!", but after that she was perfectly still and the doctor and nurse couldn't believe how well she did.
Since this all went down during what would have been her nap time toward the end of the procedure she just crashed out and started snoring. To top it off they gave her a heart bandage.

Danny and I were proud of how we handled our first crisis as parents so we all went out for some much deserved ice cream. Rosabelle was truly amazing and we are all glad to have that first real injury behind us.



DaNae said...

I can't believe that little burrito baby! What a champ. I'm glad you didnt go into labor, but hopefully it made you that much closer. love you ro.

SueandDan said...

Let the graying of the hair...begin! I remember my heart stopping a few times with Danny. Glad all is well and she's doing fine.

Deborah said...

What a trooper. It may have been harder on Mom and Dad that Rosabelle.So glad she is okay.

Dave said...

Looks like you need more padding for the house. I guess I distracted Danielle when I called her. My bad!