Monday, September 22, 2008

The Fourth Trimester

Before we had Rosabelle we watched a dvd called The Happiest Baby on the Block. In this dvd Dr. Karp theorized that the first 3 months of a baby's life are really like the fourth trimester. This is also where we learned about shushing and swaddling and Danny's favorite trick, running the hair dryer to calm the baby. I got what he was saying, but know that we have reached the 3 month mark it makes even more sense. The first 3 months she really was just a blob, a adorable blob but a blob none the less. Now we are really starting to see her personality start to develop and that she is very much her own little person. She recognizes us and laughs and reacts to us. She is crazy about her dad, every time she see him she bursts into a huge smile. She was just so stinking cute this morning I had to take a few pictures. Enjoy!


DaNae said...

basically she looks EXACTLY like you! Now the fun really starts!!

Deborah said...

I love the tub pictures. She likes her bath time for sure. What a cutie.

Meg said...

She is so cute in her tub with her little toys. I think I am going to go take a bath right now!

Dave said...

Still not sure who she looks like. See you this weekend. Vote for Barry.

The Happiest Baby, Inc. said...

Dear Danielle,

Thank you so much for mentioning Dr. Karp's DVD "The Happiest Baby on the Block". This work has helped countless parents calm their fussy babies and boost their sleep. I am really glad they have worked so well for your family, too!

Also, do you know about our "Super-Soothing" Sleep Sounds CD? It has specially engineered white noise that can calm crying babies and - when played all night - can instantly boost sleep by 1-3 hours. Dr. Karp recommends it to help sleep for at least the first year (it's so comforting to little an auditory "teddy bear"). Parents love this CD because it’s super easy to control the volume and wean babies off of (whenever you want), it keeps babies calm on car rides, and helps them sleep when spending the night at grandma's.

And, when infants get closer to 8 months of age, most parents love Dr. Karp's DVD/book "the happiest toddler". They do for toddlers (8-months to 5-years) what "The Happiest Baby” does for babies! They teach simple techniques that quickly reduce tantrums and boost a toddler's patience and cooperation. Parents usually watch the DVD a few times - to master the techniques – then read the book for lots more tips (like dealing with picky eating, whining and discipline).

I hope this helps!

All best wishes,

PS – If you have a spare moment, we would so appreciate you leaving a short review on Amazon. It really helps new parents when they can read about the experiences of seasoned you!