Saturday, September 20, 2008

3 whole months

Our sweet little Rosabelle is 3 months old today. It's crazy to think how fast these 3 months have gone by, but it's also hard to remember what it was like pre-Rosabelle. I do remember so many people saying that the first 3 months are the hardest and especially the first 6 weeks are a nightmare and that we would be sleep deprived zombies. Danny and I were just talking about how we never really felt that way. I think we are just lucky to have gotten such a good baby, because we have had the most amazing 3 months. I was just looking at her newborn pictures and it blows my mind how much she was grown, she has doubled in size!

3 days old

3 months old

She is the funniest thing. She is all smiles and giggles, but I do think she's starting to get some sass. Everyday she is making new noises and she is definitely figuring out how to be more vocal. When I'm singing to her she coos and goos like she is singing along. She is also becoming more and more aware and curious....particularly of the cats. Last night I had her in her swing while I was making dinner and her and Clem were having a stare down. Clem, of course, blinked first.

The 3 month mark also means we reached another maternity leave ended and I got to quit my job! I took Rosabelle in the office to show her off and to let them know I decided not to come back. She was a big hit and it was nice to be able to go in and say goodbye. I did have a pretty cool job and got to meet some very cool people and do some interesting things. Growing up in Spokane I never dreamed I would live in LA and be hanging out with rock stars and I am so happy to have had those experiences. But I am so excited about my new job of being a full time mom. Although my new boss can be quite insistent when she wants something.

Danny is the best dad and the most awesome husband. I am so grateful to him for working so hard to get us where we are. Thank you, baby.

Happy 3 month birthday, baby girl!


Deborah said...

I'm sobbing. She is adorable and beautiful and
makes everthing worthwhile. You are an awesome mom. Rosabelle is lucky to have. My fav post.

Danielle said...

That's probably the medication talking, but I'll take it! Thanks, Mom...feel better.

DaNae said...

I was thinking the same thing about mom's post (drugs talkin.) But fo sho you guys got lucky on a baby. She is so chill style and I can't wait to see her again. congrats on your new job!

Dorianne said...

She is chunkalicious... I just love those cheeks!