Monday, September 5, 2022

Working people are recognizing how much power they have

Unions built America's middle class, and unions will rebuild America's middle class.
Warren Democrats


Today's a federal holiday because on the eve of the 20th century, machinists, carpenters, and people who worked in mills, mines, factories, and more joined together to fight for better wages, better conditions, and a day to honor the power of working people.

Thanks to the labor movement, kids went from working in factories to going to school. Americans went from working twelve hours a day, six days a week, to the 40-hour week we know now.

Labor unions are still fighting for an America that works for everyone, not just the wealthy and well-connected. They were on the front lines then. They are on the front lines now — nurses, educators, factory workers, grocery store workers, and more. Working people who are fighting for each other, fighting for their families, and fighting for economic justice. Just one example: Labor unions were in the fight to cancel student debt, and they just won big for tens of millions of Americans.

And recently, we've seen a surge of new union organizing — putting CEOs on notice that they can't keep taking advantage of workers without consequence. Starbucks baristas are making it happen. Amazon warehouse workers are making it happen. Workers at Apple, Chipotle, Trader Joe's, and more are making it happen.

Working people across the country are recognizing how much power they have when they come together and demand better conditions. At first, it can be scary. But one conversation at a time, one nod at a time, one "Yeah, we can do this" at a time, people agree that they've had enough — and that it's time to fight back.

So the rich and powerful are scared. They have done everything they can to take power away from workers and break the backs of unions, and they're not letting up. They have money and time. They hope they will wear us down. Hope we'll get exhausted and scattered fighting one battle after another. But we've got news for corporate America: Unions aren't going away — not today, not tomorrow, not ever. Unions built America's middle class, and unions will rebuild America's middle class.

We fight back by busting our tails to pass the PRO Act, which would put a stop to union busting we see across the country — so workers can come together to get a square deal and exercise their right to organize.

Because organizing means jobs that pay a living wage, provide good health care, ensure safety from injury and illness, deliver a decent pension after a lifetime of hard work, and treat workers with respect. Organizing is the heart of union power and the heart of worker power.

Our system has long been rigged against workers. But right now, we have a union-card-carrying Secretary of Labor from Boston, Marty Walsh. We have a president who respects unions and is fighting to create good jobs. And we have a National Labor Relations Board that's ready to fairly represent workers.

When working people fight, working people win. Shoulder to shoulder, we're going to create an economy that works for everyone. And I'm in this fight all the way.

Thanks for being a part of this, and Happy Labor Day,


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