Danielle, Trump just signed an executive order to eliminate the Department of Education. If this isn't the clearest example of this fight being the billionaires vs. the kids, families, and workers of America, I don't know what is. Donald Trump and Elon Musk are siding with the billionaires. I'm siding with our kids and our teachers. I've got a message for every public school teacher, librarian, school bus driver, administrator — anybody and everybody who helps educate our kids: This is the moment to stick together and fight back. And this is a fight we can win. I don't care if you're a Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian, vegetarian — we need everyone in this fight. This is the fight for an America where it's not just rich kids who get a good education and have a chance to build their lives, but where every kid has the best education possible to build the best lives possible. But the only way that this is going to happen is if we stay in this fight together — right now. I need to know you're with me on this: If you're in this fight with me to defend the Department of Education, add your name to demonstrate your commitment. I'm a proud product of public schools. It was my second-grade teacher, Mrs. Lee, who first believed in me. After I graduated from the University of Houston — a public university that cost $50 a semester — I taught special needs kids at a public school in New Jersey. The children I worked with were four to six years old and had some pretty significant challenges. Most of them couldn't express themselves. But because we had help from the federal government, they could get the kind of one-on-one care they needed—and a better opportunity to build a real, independent future. That's what the Department of Education does — making sure every single child, no matter where they live, how much money their families make, what color their skin is , or if they have a disability has access to an education. Put simply, it's about making sure that every kid has a Mrs. Lee in their corner who believes in them from an early age. I gotta tell you, I know that Donald Trump is claiming that this is happening because the Department of Education is "not doing its job." You know what this is really about, Danielle? Right now Donald Trump and Elon Musk and the spineless Republicans in Congress are trying to find places that they can cut spending so that they will have more money available to be able to give tax handouts to billionaires and billionaire corporations. These Department of Education cuts are a part of that. The Department of Education has been there for our children for generations — and many of us, without even knowing it, have had real opportunities in this life because of the dedicated people at the Department of Education. Now they need our help and now is the time we need to get in that fight. This is about organizing, sharing our stories, and linking arms right now. Please add your name if you share my commitment to fighting for our country's students and public schools. Thanks for being a part of this, Elizabeth  |