Sunday, October 13, 2024

A vision for an economy that works for working people

We've also got to remember what we're up against.
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Warren for Senate


For the next few weeks, while we have our heads down doing everything possible to elect Democrats up and down the ticket, I also want us to picture the finish line.

I want us to remember what we're fighting for — because when the fight gets hard, that's what'll keep us going.

Just think about the vision that Vice President Kamala Harris has laid out for an economy that works for working people, including…

  • Taking on giant corporations that engage in price-gouging
  • Bringing down housing costs by building 3 million new units
  • Cutting costs for child care and prescription drugs, including extending the $35/month cap on insulin prices to all Americans
  • Providing tax cuts to over 100 million working-class and middle-class Americans
  • Strengthening Social Security and Medicare, including a new plan to cover in-home health care under Medicare, which will be truly life-changing for generations and generations of families to come
  • Rolling back Donald Trump's tax cuts for the rich and putting a minimum tax on billionaires so they pay a fair share

With Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the White House, and Democrats controlling the U.S. House and Senate, we can make real change for working people.

We can protect our freedoms, including the right to an abortion and the right to vote.

We can build a future not just for some of our kids, but all of our kids.

I'm running for re-election to the U.S. Senate so I can keep fighting to build that future — including with my plans to lower housing costs, ensure universal child care, and root out corruption in Washington. I've fought my entire career to make our economy fairer for the middle class, from taking on big banks to make the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau a reality to breaking up the hearing aid monopoly to lower costs for families. And I'm not stopping.

But we've also got to remember what we're up against.

Donald Trump's big legislative accomplishment was a set of massive tax breaks for billionaires and giant corporations. And as Trump is courting wealthy donors for his 2024 campaign, he's promising them even more tax handouts in return.

Giant corporations are going in on the deal, too, loading up Republican campaign accounts with cash with the expectation that they'll get even more tax cuts. And it just so happens that Trump's planned tax cuts would give the largest corporations an estimated $48 billion break.

While Trump and the Republicans fight to make rich and powerful people and companies even more rich and powerful, I'll keep fighting alongside Kamala Harris to get the wealthy and well-connected to pay a fair share — so we can expand opportunity for all.

We've already started to tackle this by passing my minimum tax on massive corporations that were paying $0 in taxes, and to provide more funding to the IRS to strengthen enforcement against corporations and wealthy tax cheats.

But look: billionaire donors and corporate interests are spending big this year to try to elect Trump and his GOP allies in November — and reap big rewards for themselves in the years to come with Republicans controlling the White House, U.S. Senate, and U.S. House.

They've got money and power. But the number of people that make up our grassroots movement is powerful, too. We can beat them if we fight side by side, one grassroots donation at a time, to pass this legislation that will make our economy fairer for the middle class.

I'm able to stay in these fights because supporters like you chip in whatever and whenever they can to strengthen our fight for these policies. And I'm fighting hard to make sure Republicans don't flip this seat and the Senate. Can you help grow our grassroots campaign and support my re-election with a donation of $100 or any amount?


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Thanks for being a part of this,


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Paid for by Warren for Senate

All content © 2024 Warren for Senate, All Rights Reserved
PO Box 171375, Boston, MA 02117
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Saturday, October 12, 2024

It's all connected, Danielle.

A new Supreme Court term started this week.
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Warren for Senate

Danielle, a new Supreme Court term started this week.

One of their first decisions was declining to hear a case that would require emergency rooms in Texas to provide an abortion if a pregnant patient's health or life would be at serious risk if they don't receive one.

By refusing to hear this case, the extremists appointed to the Supreme Court by Donald Trump are allowing Texas to deny women abortion care — even in a medical emergency.

Reminder: This is the same extremist Supreme Court stacked by Donald Trump that overturned Roe v. Wade.

Reminder: This is the same extremist Supreme Court stacked by Donald Trump that ruled that the president is above the law, giving free rein to abuse the power of the presidency without constraint.

Reminder: There's a page in Project 2025 that says that if Donald Trump is president, he can install the right person at the Department of Justice to enforce a total national abortion ban, through an interpretation of an old law called the Comstock Act.

It's all connected, Danielle. Trump and the far-right movement are plotting to take over and abuse our government institutions to attack our democracy and rip away our freedoms.

And another reminder: The next president could nominate the next one, two, or three Supreme Court justices.

That's what's at stake in this election.

Here's what we can do about this:

In the short-term, we must prevent Donald Trump from returning to the White House and therefore prevent Project 2025 from being enacted. That must be our top priority. Period.

We also need to hold our Senate majority to pass national abortion protections and keep the GOP from getting veto power over new Supreme Court justice nominations.

Congress must also make Supreme Court justices finally follow a basic and enforceable code of ethics and give Americans confidence that their judges are held to the highest standards and are free from conflicts of interest. I've introduced legislation to do just that.

After that, in the long-term, Congress must restore balance by adding more justices to the Court. Congress has already used its constitutional authority to change the size of the Supreme Court seven times in the past. This isn't new. It's what we must do to rebalance a Court that Republicans packed and that clearly doesn't feel limited by the rule of law.

And we also need to end the filibuster. It's a relic of the Jim Crow-era that is found nowhere in the Constitution and has blocked policies that are so overwhelmingly popular among voters — voters who voted for a Democratic majority — because a minority of Republican senators disagree. This will allow us to pass the policies that the majority of Americans are calling for, like federal abortion rights, voting protections, and gun safety laws.

This is all within our reach, Danielle. But a Trump dictatorship is within reach, too. That's what is at stake this year.

These attacks on our rights, institutions, and democracy are meant to exhaust us. Meant to drain us of our will to fight. But we can't let them succeed.

When we identify the problems we face as a nation, lay out solutions, and go out and fight for them, we can win. I'm throwing everything I've got into this fight. That's my plan from now through November and beyond. And I'm asking you to stay by my side, Danielle.

Thanks for being a part of this,


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Paid for by Warren for Senate

All content © 2024 Warren for Senate, All Rights Reserved
PO Box 171375, Boston, MA 02117
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Thursday, October 10, 2024

re: Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren and I believe in the ambition, aspirations, and dreams of the American people.
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Warren for Senate

Danielle, I am no stranger to tough fights, and I know Elizabeth Warren is not either.

This election is not just about who we elect as our next president. We must elect Democrats across our country, and we need an influx of grassroots supporters to step up and join us.

That is why I am asking you today: Will you split a $100 contribution between Elizabeth Warren and my campaign right now?


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You deserve leaders who actually put you first.

Elizabeth has won big battles for working families in Massachusetts and across our country, and she knows you need more than a concept of a plan to help people. In November, we are going to reelect her to the U.S. Senate.

Elizabeth Warren and I believe in the ambition, aspirations, and dreams of the American people.

We love our country and understand the awesome responsibility that comes with the greatest privilege on Earth — the privilege and pride of being an American.

Together, we can build a brighter future for our nation, not just from the White House, but in the Senate as well. We need you with us, Danielle.

Please split a donation of $100 between our campaigns today. Let's turn the page on Donald Trump and his extremist Republican allies as we work to deliver on the promise of America.

Thank you and take care,


Kamala Harris
Vice President of the United States

Photo of Kamala

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Paid for by Warren for Senate

All content © 2024 Warren for Senate, All Rights Reserved
PO Box 171375, Boston, MA 02117
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